本文介绍了Gluon Scene Builder 8.4.0启动失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Gluon Scene Builder 8.3.0然后在我安装了新版本的8.4.0后卸载了它,但是当我想运行该程序时它给了我一些错误。下面的错误和java版本属性;

我还尝试打开JavaFX SceneBuilder 2.0并运行良好。屏幕截图如下;


1,感谢Jose Pereda帮助我解决这个问题。如果您的语言环境是土耳其语,则必须将您的语言环境语言更改为以下链接。但不要担心,胶子团队很快就会解决这个问题。

I was using Gluon Scene Builder 8.3.0 and i uninstalled it then after i installed new version of 8.4.0 but it gave me some errors when i want to run the program. Errors and java version properties below;

Also i tried to open JavaFX SceneBuilder 2.0 and its running well. Screenshot below;


At 1st thanks to Jose Pereda for help me to solve this problem. You have to change your locale language to English as this link below if your locale is Turkish language. But don't worry, the gluon team will fix this issue soon.

Locale Language Settings for Windows

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05-30 09:48