本文介绍了Windows 10 - 任务计划程序 - 未运行 (0x41303)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 Windows 10 中安排一项任务,在登录时"事件时启动多个程序,但在多次尝试/错误后它不会运行.任务配置如下:

I'm trying to schedule a task in Windows 10, on the event of "At log on" in order to start several programs, but it won't run after several trial/error. The task is configured as follows:

  • General:无论用户是否登录都运行(它提示凭据输入框,也尝试仅在用户登录时运行).以最高权限运行.尝试配置 Windows 7 和 Windows 10 选项.
  • 触发器:登录时,任何用户都已启用(也尝试了特定用户).
  • 操作:启动一个程序,分别是C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"、C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"(这个有添加参数:%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%)、D:\ids\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper64W.exe".路由是从每个程序的快捷方式属性复制/粘贴的.
  • 条件:未设置条件.
  • 设置:无其他设置.
  • 历史:已禁用.

当我重新启动并登录时,没有任何反应.检查状态面板会显示任务摘要,其中上次运行时间30/11/1999 12:00:00 amLast Run Result(0x41303)Status 列是 准备好了.

When I restart and log on, nothing happens. Checking the status panel appears the summary of the task, where in the Last Run Time is 30/11/1999 12:00:00 a.m., the Last Run Result is (0x41303), and Status column is Ready.


Tried to look others questions, but seems to be others problems. What am I missing? Is there another configuration that I must apply? Thanks in advance.


我也遇到了这个问题(Windows Server 2019),错误为 0x41303,上次运行时间设置为 30/11/1999.

I had this problem as well (Windows Server 2019), with error 0x41303 and Last Run Time set to 30/11/1999.

当我将开始时间更改为未来时间而不是过去时间(即距当前时间 2 分钟)时,计划任务成功运行(结果:0x0)并根据触发器正常重复.

When I changed the start time to a future time instead of past (i.e. 2 minutes from current time), the scheduled task ran successfully (result: 0x0) and repeated just fine per the trigger.

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08-23 19:55