我的问题:如何从这些文件夹中删除所有带有名称后缀的文件?例如,这是一个文件夹:D:\Photos\2011\2011-12-01>dir /b20111201_184550(002).cont20111201_184550(002).iis20111201_184550(002).m2ts20111201_184550(002).tmb20111201_184550.cont20111201_184550.iis20111201_184550.m2ts20111201_184550.tmb解决方案好的,也许我很愚蠢.它不需要任何批次:del /s *(00?).*My Panasonic camera uses its stupid PHOTOfunSTUDIO to import photos. It creates folders by the name of the date when photos are taken, and imports photos into those folders respectively. So far so good. But If I import again before removing all old pictures from camera, the old ones will be imported again by adding a name suffix (002),(003),..., no mater how I change the settings of that software.My question: how to remove all the files that having name suffixes from those folders?For example, this is one folder: D:\Photos\2011\2011-12-01>dir /b20111201_184550(002).cont20111201_184550(002).iis20111201_184550(002).m2ts20111201_184550(002).tmb20111201_184550.cont20111201_184550.iis20111201_184550.m2ts20111201_184550.tmb 解决方案 OK, maybe I was stupid. It does not need any batch:del /s *(00?).* 这篇关于如何在Windows中使用批处理文件删除包含某些字符串的文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-30 05:35