


I'd like to display a YUI button next to some text, but the baseline of the YUI button text does not line up with the baseline of the text next to it. The font family and size is identical for both the button text and the text next to it.


If I use a plain HTML button the text baselines correctly line up.



由于.yui按钮具有属性 display:inline-block ,它将像一个块,但保持内联。

Since the .yui-button has the property display: inline-block, it will behave like a block but stay inline.


By behaving inline, the box model of this element will be attached to the line while the contents of the button will behave like a block. Thus, you'll have to do some sort of vertical adjustment as Phase suggested.

由于按钮有一个 min-height:2em ,你需要做一些手动调整。 This:

Since the button has a min-height: 2em, you'll have to do some manual adjustment. This:

.yui-skin-sam .yui-button {
    margin-bottom: -0.5em; /* adjust for 2em min-height */
    vertical-align: baseline; /* use consistent baseline */

gave me good results in IE7, FF3, and Chrome, but there is still slight inconsistency among them. You may have explore what other properties are applied at the first span, the first child span, and button that are causing the slight inconsistencies. Of course, you could also adjust the selector to apply to only one instance of the button rather than all yui buttons.


You could also set the min-height to inherit, but then you'll see how the other properties come into play (e.g. the first child (the span in the span before the button) has a block layout).


Alternatively, you could start adding multiple wrappers around the rest of the text so they behave just like the button by building the appropriate spans within spans, but you seem to want to avoid that. If you do, check a couple different browsers.


08-22 23:03