我注意到Firebase Performance Monitoring确实提供了一些自动跟踪,盒子.特别是我正在查看冷启动应用程序的开始时间跟踪,这正是我现在需要做的.不幸的是,我需要获取更多的细粒度数据,因此我一直想自己可以做到,但是到目前为止,我还没有找到一个合理的方法来衡量Android应用程序的真正冷启动时间(考虑两次点击之间的时间).启动器中的一个图标,并查看给定Activity的用户界面.
I noticed that Firebase Performance Monitoring does provide some automatic traces out of the box.In particular I was looking at the cold app start time trace which is exactly what I need to do right now.Unfortunately I need to do have more granular data, so I was thinking I could do it on my own, but so far I failed to come up with a reasonable how to measure a true cold start time of an Android app (think time between tapping an icon in launcher and seeing the UI of given Activity).
文档说,调用 FirebasePerfProvider.onCreate
The docs says, that Firebase starts the trace when FirebasePerfProvider.onCreate
callback gets called. As far as I know this should happen very soon after the application process starts, so that's good, but it also means that it gets called even when the app just receives a notification (or some broadcast in general) and at that point the process might not be terminated by the time the user actually opens the app. That means it'd measure the duration wrong.
Given the SDK is not (yet?) open sourced, I could not find a better description of how this works.
If the Android process is launched via a Service or BroadcastReceiver, no trace is started. So, if and when an Activity is actually started in that process, there will be no problems with an app start trace that could appear to be very long. The app start trace only happens if the process is invoked by an Activity.
I've updated the documentation to include this fact, and that change should be published soon.