本文介绍了放心 + 模拟 MVC @ControllerAdvice的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的项目中,我使用具有以下依赖项的 Rest Assured MockMVC:

In my project I am using Rest Assured MockMVC with the following dependency:



TestController testController = new TestController();
public void configureRestAssuredForController() {

我在控制器类中定义了几个 ExceptionHandler.在我的 JUnit 测试中,我可以验证在控制器类中定义的请求路径和处理程序.

I have a couple of ExceptionHandlers defined in the controller class.In my JUnit tests I could verify the request paths and the handlers when defined in the controller class.

但是 - 当我使用 @ControllerAdvice 将处理程序移动到一个单独的类时,处理程序不会从测试中调用.

However - When I moved the handlers to a separate class with @ControllerAdvice, handlers are not being invoked from the tests.


I understood that it is because of the standalone set up for the controller,which probably could not load handlers defined in another class.

但我不知道如何在独立模式下将异常处理程序添加到 RestAssuredMockMvc 以使其工作.

But I couldn't figure out how do I add the exception handlers to the RestAssuredMockMvc,in standalone mode to make this work.


I am struggling and any help is much appreciated please.



Based on this answer I've created a solution that works great for me:

 * Initializes GlobalExceptionHandler advice using the StaticApplicationContext with the single bean.
 * @return HandlerExceptionResolver instantiated based on the GlobalExceptionHandler
private HandlerExceptionResolver initGlobalExceptionHandlerResolvers() {
    StaticApplicationContext applicationContext = new StaticApplicationContext();
    applicationContext.registerSingleton("exceptionHandler", GlobalExceptionHandler.class);

    WebMvcConfigurationSupport webMvcConfigurationSupport = new WebMvcConfigurationSupport();

    return webMvcConfigurationSupport.handlerExceptionResolver();

public void setup() {
    HandlerExceptionResolver handlerExceptionResolver = initGlobalExceptionHandlerResolvers();


所以我的 GlobalExceptionHandler 是使用 StaticApplicationContext 初始化的,然后我从中检索 handlerExceptionResolver 并将其传递给 RestAssuredMockMvc standaloneSetup

So my GlobalExceptionHandler is initialized using StaticApplicationContext and then I retrieve handlerExceptionResolver from it and pass it into RestAssuredMockMvc standaloneSetup

这篇关于放心 + 模拟 MVC @ControllerAdvice的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 21:11