本文介绍了Visual C++ Express 如何运行应用程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不知道如何在 Visual C++ Express 中运行应用程序.调试选项就在那里,但如何运行应用程序?我检查了上面的每个按钮并右键单击了所有我能做的,但我没有看到运行它的选项?无需调试.我不介意调试,但我丢失了 main 正在运行其循环的控制台屏幕.

I don't see how to just run an app in Visual C++ Express. Debug option is right there but how about running the app? I checked each button on above and right clicked everything I could but I don't see the option to just run it? Without debugging. I don't mind debugging but I lose the console screen that main is running its loop in.


您可以通过按 Ctrl+F5 来执行此操作.或者您可以将其添加为菜单项(在 www 上找到):

You can do this by pressing Ctrl+F5. Or you could add it as a menu item (found this on the www):

工具 -> 自定义 -> 命令选项卡 -> 重新排列命令 -> 从菜单栏下拉列表中选择调试 -> 添加 -> 从类别中选择调试,从命令中选择开始而不进行调试 -> 确定.

 Tools -> Customize- > Commands tab -> Rearrange Commands -> Select Debug from Menu Bar dropdownlist -> Add -> Select Debug from Categories, Select Start without debugging from Commands -> OK.

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07-29 20:37