

在C ++中有predefined宏,例如 __功能__ ,编译为一个字符串函数名的宏中使用的。

In C++ there are predefined macros such as __FUNCTION__, which compile to a string literal of the function name the macro is used in.

void MyFunc()
    printf("I'm in %s!", __FUNCTION__); // I'm in MyFunc!

有什么C#的相似?我期待的asp.net web表单做到这一点:

Is there anything similar for C#? I am looking to do this for asp.net web forms:

public string MyProperty
    get { return (string)ViewState[__PROPERTY__]; }
    set { ViewState[__PROPERTY__] = value; }



This will hopefully cut down on typos on my end, but I can think of a few other instances where this would be useful.



You could use the StackTrace and StackFrame to get the name of the current method

StackTrace st = new StackTrace();
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(1);
string method = sf.GetMethod().ToString();

有关的属性,返回的方法名将包括魔术获得_ 集_ prefixes。

For properties, the returned method name will include the magic get_ or set_ prefixes.

不过,我不认为你可以真正重构为一个内联宏或函数这就像你在C ++可以。但是,如果你重构的实用方法干这个,你很可能只是弹出堆栈跟踪退一万步记录来电信息?

However, I don't think you can really refactor this into an inline macro or function like you could in C++. But if you do refactor a utility method to DRY this out, you could probably just pop the StackTrace back one step to log the caller's information?


07-29 14:19