我正在尝试在Visual Studio 2013中设置我的第一个Oracle数据库连接,并且数据源可用的唯一选项是选择"Oracle Database".但是该选择表明它已被弃用(无论如何,它甚至不允许我像在VS2012中那样选择架构,因此它不可用).
I'm trying to setup my first Oracle database connection in Visual Studio 2013 and the only option available for the Data Source is a selection "Oracle Database". But that selection says it's deprecated (and it doesn't even allow me to choose the schema as I could do in VS2012, regardless, so it's unusable).
我已经安装了一个ODAC,非常适合VS 2012(有什么方法可以使VS 2013认识到我已经安装了该软件(尝试在对Oracle Data Client的引用中进行操作,但该方法不起作用).选择其他"不会给我其他选择.
I already have an ODAC installed that works great for VS 2012 ( Is there any way to get VS 2013 to recognize that I already have that installed (tried putting in a reference to the Oracle Data Client and that didn't work). Choosing "Other" doesn't provide me any other choices.
我被迫安装ODAC 12c只是为了让VS 2013看到它吗?为什么看不到ODAC 11?由于其他依赖旧项目的项目,我宁愿不进行12c安装(是的,我们可以沿VM路径走,但这不是立即选择).
Am I forced to install ODAC 12c just so that VS 2013 sees it? Why wouldn't it see ODAC 11? I'd rather not do the 12c install due to other projects that rely on the older one (and, yes, we could go down a VM path, but that's not an immediate option).
您必须重新运行ODAC安装程序,然后要求您重新安装.NET + .ASP组件(我只是排除了示例包.)
You have to rerun the ODAC installer, you will be asked to reinstall .NET +.ASP components (I just excluded the examples package.)
我的情况有所不同:我首先在VS 2013上安装了ODAC,然后在VS 2012上安装了.结果是VS 2012没有看到ODAC的一部分:就像您说的那样,选择了"Oracle Database"作为数据源.重新运行安装程序可解决此问题.我认为这与我的情况相同. ODAC不应依赖于Visual Studio版本,而应依赖于所使用的.NET框架.
My situation was a bit different: I Installed at first VS 2013 with ODAC and then VS 2012. The result was that VS 2012 didn't see the ODAC part: like you said the Data source with the "Oracle Database" choice. Rerunning the installer fixed this issue.I think it's the same situation as mine. ODAC shouldn't be dependent on Visual Studio version but on the .NET framework in use.
这篇关于为什么当前的Oracle ODAC可连接性在VS 2013中不可见?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!