

保存一下,我有一个 .Vue 组件,该组件是我从Github上获取的。让我们将其称为CompB,然后在其中为蓝色标头添加一个CSS规则集:

Let's save I have a .Vue component that I grab off of Github somewhere. Let's call it CompB and we'll add a single CSS rule-set there for a blue header:

CompB.Vue (依赖项I不拥有,也许是从Github撤出的。)

CompB.Vue (a dependency I don't own, perhaps pulled from Github)



<style lang="scss" scoped>
  .compb-header {
    color: blue;


I plan to nest CompB into my own project's CompA. Now what are my options for overriding the scoped rule?



After playing around a bit, I think I've got a good approach.

  1. 全局替代

  1. Global overrides

对于我想使用的情况在所有情况下都覆盖CompB的规则我可以​​添加一个更具体的规则集,例如: #app .compb-header {..} 。由于我们始终只有一个根( #app ),因此在规则集中使用ID是安全的。这很容易覆盖CompB中的范围规则。

For situations where I want to override the rules in all cases for CompB I can add a rule-set with more specificity like this: #app .compb-header { .. }. Since we always only have one root (#app) it's safe to use an ID in the rule-set. This easily overrides the scoped rules in CompB.



For situations where I want to override both the global and scoped rules. Thankfully VueJS allows adding both a scoped and unscoped style block into a .Vue file. So I can add an even more specific CSS rule-set. Also notice I can pass a class into CompB's props since Vue provides built-in class and style props for all components:

// in CompA (the parent)

  <!-- Vue provides built-in class and style props for all comps -->
  <compb class="compb"></compb>


<style lang="scss">
  #app .compb .compb-header {
    color: red;

<style lang="scss" scoped>

(注意:您可以更具体一些,使传递到CompB的类具有一个更独特的名称,例如 .compa-compb 或某些哈希后缀,因此不会与使用CompB和类 .compb的其他组件发生冲突。 。但是我认为这对于大多数应用程序来说可能是过大的了。)

(note: You can get more specific and make the class you pass into CompB have a more unique name such as .compa-compb or some hash suffix so there is no potential for collision with other components that use CompB and a class .compb. But I think that might be overkill for most applications.)


And of course CompB may provide its own additional props for adjusting CSS or passing classes/styles into areas of the component. But this may not always be the case when you use a component you don't own (unless you fork it). Plus, even with this provided, there is always those situations where you are like "I just want to adjust that padding just a bit!". The above two solutions seem to work great for this.


05-30 02:22