本文介绍了的BizTalk Server问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



we have a biztalk server (a virtual one (1!)...) at our company, and an sql server where the data is being kept.Now we have a lot of data traffic. I'm talking about hundred of thousands. So I'm actually not even sure if one server is pretty safe, but our company is not that easy to convince.


Now recently we have a lot of problems.


Allow me to situate in detail, so I'm not missing anything:


Our server has 5 applications:

  • 一个3编排,12发送端口,16个接收地点

  • 一个有4个。业务流程,32发送端口,20接收位置。

  • 一个有4个业务流程,24发送端口,20接收位置。

  • 一47(是47)业务流程,37发送端口,6个接收位置。

  • 一个与一对夫妇的资源常见的应用。

  • One with 3 orchestrations, 12 send ports, 16 receive locations.
  • One with 4 orchestrations, 32 send ports, 20 receive locations.
  • One with 4 orchestrations, 24 send ports, 20 receive locations.
  • One with 47 (yes 47) orchestrations, 37 send ports, 6 receive locations.
  • One with common application with a couple of resources.

很多这些业务流程的使用的使用C#代码做映射指定的形状。这是因为我们采用HL7扩展和这是种特殊,所以用C#代码和放大器; XPATH这是一个更容易做映射,因为很多这些模式的的看起来很相像。 C#中读出在经XPath的接受将XMLNode,返回的XmlNode然后将其再次分配到BizTalk消息。 。我不知道这可能是原因,但我想我会提到它

Our problems have occured since we deployed the applications with the 47 orchestrations.A lot of these orchestrations use assign shapes which use c# code to do the mapping. This is because we use HL7 extensions and this is kind of special, so by using c# code & xpath it was a lot easier to do the mapping because a lot of these schema's look alike. The c# reads in XmlNodes received through xpath, and returns XmlNode which are then assigned again to biztalk messages. I'm not sure if this could be the cause, but I thought I'd mention it.

发送和接收端口有很多不同的类型:文件, MQSeries中,SQL,MLLP,FTP。

The send and receive ports have a lot of different types: File, MQSeries, SQL, MLLP, FTP.Each of these types have a different host instances, to balance out the load.Our orchestrations use the BiztalkApplication host.


On this server also a couple of scripts are running, mostly ftp upload scripts & also a zipper script, which zips files every half an hour in a daily zip and deletes the zip files after a month. We use this zipscript on our backup files (we backup a lot, backups are also on our server), we did this because the server had problems with sending files to a location where there were a lot (A LOT) of files, so after the files were reduced to zips it went better.


Now the problems we are having recently are mainly two major problems:

  • 我们最重要的问题如下。我们一直接收位置上用于测试的队列中的很多消息。我们先从它采用47配器此接收位置后,正在运行的服务实例开始天空岩石。好吧,这是非常正常的。比方说,约10000,然后我们停止接收位置看到的BizTalk如何处理这些情况10000。通常情况下,他们会下降非常快,而且有时候确实,但经过一段时间它开始节流,这意味着他们只停留在处理与服务实例停留在相同的数字,例如在30秒内它的股价下跌,从10000 4000,然后停留在4000,这降低了非常非常非常慢,就像305分钟什么的。因此,这意味着,所有的其它应用程序的其他服务实例也卡在这里,并且它们也不会被处理。

我们注意到,我们重新启动主机实例后的实例数下降快试。因此,我们试图选择不同的重新启动主机实例来定位问题。我们注意到,最终重新启动文件发送/接收主机实例会做的伎俩。因此,我们认为文件发送会有问题。 Concidering,我们做了很多的备份。因此,我们替换的文件类型备份,备份的MQSeries。同样的问题发生,而有趣的事情,重新启动将文件发送/接收主机仍然可以解决问题。

We noticed that after restarting our host instances the instance number went down fast again. So we tried to selectively restart different host instances to locate the problem. We noticed that eventually restarting the file send/receive host instance would do the trick. So we thought file sends would be the problem. Concidering that we make a lot of backups. So we replaced the file type backups with mqseries backups. The same problem occured, and funny thing, restarting the file send/receive host still fixes the problem.


No errors can be found in the event viewer either.

  • 我们遇到的第二个问题是。有时在角落找寻6日上午,全部或主机实例中的一部分已被停止。


In the event viewer we noticed the following errors (these are more than one):

接收位置MdnBericht SQL与URLSQL:// ZNACDBPEG / mdnd0001 /正在关闭。详细说明:。该错误已超过阈值的接收位置关停

消息引擎无法添加接收位置M2M奥赛罗出口开始Bestand与URL\m2mservices\Othello_import $ \DataFilter开始的* .xml适配器文件。原因:文件适配器无法访问该文件夹\m2mservices\Othello_import $ \DataFilter开始

The Messaging Engine failed to add a receive location "M2m Othello Export Start Bestand" with URL "\m2mservices\Othello_import$\DataFilter Start*.xml" to the adapter "FILE". Reason: "The FILE adapter cannot access the folder \m2mservices\Othello_import$\DataFilter Start. Verify this folder exists. Error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. ".

文件适配器无法访问该文件夹\m2mservices\Othello_import $ \DataFilter开始。

The FILE adapter cannot access the folder \m2mservices\Othello_import$\DataFilter Start. Verify this folder exists. Error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

要为的BizTalkMsgBoxDbSQL Server数据库连接服务器ZNACDBBTS的尝试失败。
错误:登录失败,用户''用户未与信任SQL Server连接相关的

An attempt to connect to "BizTalkMsgBoxDb" SQL Server database on server "ZNACDBBTS" failed. Error: "Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."


It woould seem that there's a login failure at this time and that because of it other services are also experiencing problems, and eventually they are shut down.


The thing is, our user is admin, and it's impossible that it's password is wrong "sometimes". We have concidering that the problem could be due to an infrastructure problem, but that's not really are department.


I know it's a long post, but we're not sure anymore what to do. Would adding another server and balancing the load solve our problems? Is there a way to meassure our balance and know where to start splitting? What are normal numbers of load etc?


I appreciate any answers because these issues are getting worse and we're also on a deadline.




Your immediate problem is BizTalk throttling feature. It's supposed to help BizTalk survive temporary overload conditions. One of its many problems is that you can see the throttling kick-in only in the performance monitor and not in the event log.


  1. 分离出新的应用程序在不同的主机应用程序的其余部分。节流是在主机级别进行。因此,问题的应用程序不会影响应用程序的其余部分。

  2. 阅读有关如何在上面的链接禁用节流。

  3. 我们所做的是实施外部节流。饲料在BizTalk小易消化的数据包接收位置。它的丑陋,但问题是丑


Update to comment: You have enough host instances. So Ignore that advice. You may reorder the applications between the instances. But there are no clear guidelines to do that. So its just shuffling and guessing.
About the safeness of disabling throttling. This feature doesn't make much sense in many scenarios. You have to study it. Check which of the throttling parameters you are hitting (this can be seen in the performance monitor) and decide how to change the thresholds.

这篇关于的BizTalk Server问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 17:59