


How do I add a bandwidth package to a new server order? Question pertains to virtual_guest and hardware "createObject" methods; neither of their 'getCreateObjectOptions' methods return options for bandwidth packages.


SoftLayer_Hardware ::createObject SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest :: createObject 方法是一种简化的订购方式服务器,因此它们具有最常用的商品下订单.不幸的是,使用这些方法无法设置带宽".

The SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject and SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject methods are a simplified way to order servers, so they have the most common items to place an order. Unfortunately it's not possible to set the "bandwidth" using these methods.

但是,您可以使用"createObject"方法订购服务器,在配置服务器之后,可以对bandand进行升级.否则,您可以使用 SoftLayer_Product_Order :: placeOrder 方法,该方法在下订单的时刻.

However, you can order a server using "createObject" method, after the server has been provisioned, you can place an upgrade for the bandwith. Otherwise you can use SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder method, it provides all available options at the moment to place an order.


10-29 01:10