


I'm using pretty high res graphics in my project. I've got different assets in my MDPI and HDPI folders. I've made sure that my manifest supports resizing, that it supports large screens, etc (though this shouldn't matter, at least not for resizing, as long as you declare a minsdk in the manifest.)

问题是,我所有的资产颗粒感和像素化的设备我测试它们。我在G2X(也就是480 x 800的,我相信)和其他测试,它总是看起来像素化。当我比较普通的Andr​​oid按键我伸缩的资源,例如,不同的是惊人的。我看资产可怕,但股票的android的是锋利。

The problem is that, all of my assets look grainy and pixelated on devices I test them on. I've tested on a G2x (which is 480 x 800, I believe) and others and it always looks pixelated. When I compare the stock android buttons to my stretchable resources, for example, the difference is startling. My assets look terrible, but the stock android ones are sharp.


Anything I'm missing here to get assets to look good?


解决了!您必须在的minSdkVersion添加到清单,例如<采用-SDK安卓的minSdkVersion =4/> 即使你声明<支持屏安卓:调整大小=真机器人:largeScreens =真/> ,否则资产将看起来可怕。

Solved! You must add a minsdkversion to the manifest, e.g. <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4"/> even if you declare that <supports-screens android:resizeable="true" android:largeScreens="true"/> otherwise assets will look terrible.


07-16 19:54