

我读过一些在过去几天类似的帖子,但没有专门回答这个问题。我开始〜2分钟的侵略性地图平移后得到一个OOM问题,并与混合地图缩放。该应用程序也似乎守住崩溃后的内存,因为它需要较少的第一次失败后达到OOM时间。我缩小了code只是一个MapFragment的活动,并仍然得到同样的OOM。我用DDMS和MAT,试图找出问题,除了加入安卓largeHeap =真正的只延迟OOM。屏幕重新定位不是一个问题,因为我设置安卓screenOrientation =画像在我的清单。任何帮助将是AP preciated。


更新2014年9月6日:仍然没有成功,唯一的好选项是使用正常,而不是混合。 GC似乎能够跟上没有图像。



<一个href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16022897/memory-leak-for-android-google-maps-api-v2?lq=1">Memory泄漏Android版谷歌地图API V2









    INT的id = item.getItemId();
    如果(ID == R.id.action_settings){

    如果(MMAP == NULL){
        MMAP =((MapFragment)getFragmentManager()findFragmentById(R.id.map)。)的GetMap()。
        如果(MMAP!= NULL){
            // startUsingMap();


  08-26 17:15:29.302:I / dalvikvm堆(19642):强制收集SoftReferences为67108880个字节分配
08-26 17:15:29.372:D / dalvikvm(19642):GC_BEFORE_OOM释放822K,65%免费37523K / 106080K,暂停78ms,共78ms
08-26 17:15:30.582:W / dalvikvm(19642):块太大传送(长度= 49579336,48435字节)
08-26 17:15:31.532:E / dalvikvm堆(19642):内存在67108880字节分配。
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):GLThread 14876PRIO = 5 TID = 19 RUNNABLE
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):|组=主SCOUNT = 0 dsCount = 0的obj = 0x42c120d8自我= 0x787e8438
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):| sysTid = 19729漂亮= 1 sched的= 0/0 CGRP =应用程序处理= 2021558416
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):|状态= R schedstat =(51120733635 13119596807 80537)UTM = 1904年STM = 3208核心= 0
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(本机方法)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:924)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:901)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:868)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在opl.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在okg.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在opy.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在opx.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在ojx.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在ojx.b((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在otq.k((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.532:I / dalvikvm(19642):在otq.run((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:31.542:W / System.err的(19642):内存不足
08-26 17:15:31.642:D / dalvikvm(19642):GC_EXPLICIT释放4803K,64%免费38238K / 106080K,暂停6ms的+ 11毫秒,总102ms
08-26 17:15:32.822:W / dalvikvm(19642):块太大传送(长度= 49444016,48303字节)
08-26 17:15:33.682:D / dalvikvm(19642):GC_FOR_ALLOC释放3728K,66%免费36916K / 106080K,暂停为65μs,共为65μs
08-26 17:15:34.752:W / dalvikvm(19642):块太大传送(长度= 49398928,48259字节)
08-26 17:15:35.462:I / dalvikvm堆(19642):强制收集SoftReferences为67108880个字节分配
08-26 17:15:35.512:D / dalvikvm(19642):GC_BEFORE_OOM释放413K,66%免费36502K / 106080K,暂停52ms,共52ms
08-26 17:15:36.742:W / dalvikvm(19642):块太大传送(长度= 49398928,48259字节)
08-26 17:15:37.282:E / dalvikvm堆(19642):内存在67108880字节分配。
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):GLThread 14876PRIO = 5 TID = 19 RUNNABLE
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):|组=主SCOUNT = 0 dsCount = 0的obj = 0x42c120d8自我= 0x787e8438
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):| sysTid = 19729漂亮= 1 sched的= 0/0 CGRP =应用程序处理= 2021558416
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):|状态= R schedstat =(54770836691 14106993077 84458)UTM = 1996 STM = 3481核心= 0
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(本机方法)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:924)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:901)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:868)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在opl.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在okg.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在opy.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在opx.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在ojx.a((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在ojx.b((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在otq.k((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.282:I / dalvikvm(19642):在otq.run((空): -  1)
08-26 17:15:37.432:W / dalvikvm(19642):主题ID = 19:线程退出与未捕获的异常(组= 0x4178cda0)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):致命异常:GLThread 14876
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):工艺:com.example.maptest,PID:19642
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(本机方法)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:924)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:901)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:868)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在opl.a(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在okg.a(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在opy.a(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在opx.a(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在ojx.a(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在ojx.b(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在otq.k(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.442:E / AndroidRuntime(19642):在otq.run(来源不明)
08-26 17:15:37.522:D / AbsListView(19642):unregisterIRListener()被调用
08-26 17:15:38.092:D / AbsListView(19642):onDetachedFromWindow
08-26 17:15:38.092:D / AbsListView(19642):unregisterIRListener()被调用
08-26 17:15:38.102:D / AbsListView(19642):onVisibilityChanged()被调用时,可见性:8
08-26 17:15:38.102:D / AbsListView(19642):unregisterIRListener()被调用



I've read a number of similar posts over the past few days, but none that specifically answer this problem. I start getting an OOM issue after ~2 minutes of aggressive map panning and zooming with the Hybrid map. The app also seems to hold onto the memory after the crash because it takes less time to reach OOM after the first failure. I scaled down the code to just an Activity with a MapFragment and still get the same OOM. I've used DDMS and MAT to try and isolate the problem, in addition to adding android:largeHeap="true" which only delays the OOM. Screen re-orientation is not an issue because I'm setting android:screenOrientation="portrait" in my Manifest. Any help would be appreciated.

Update 2014-08-25: This is supposed to be fixed back in May 2013?

Update 2014-09-06: Still no success, the only good option is to use Normal instead of Hybrid. GC seems to be able to keep up without the imagery.

Similar Posts:

Out of memory error when using Google Maps API

Memory leak for Android Google Maps API v2

Android Google maps API, OutOfMemoryError


public class MainActivity_blank extends Activity {

GoogleMap mMap;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main_activity_blank, menu);
    return true;

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will
    // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long
    // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.
    int id = item.getItemId();
    if (id == R.id.action_settings) {
        return true;
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

private void setUpMapIfNeeded() {
    // Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map.
    if (mMap == null) {
        mMap = ((MapFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.map)).getMap();
        // Check if we were successful in obtaining the map.
        if (mMap != null) {
            // The Map is verified. It is now safe to manipulate the map.


08-26 17:15:29.302: I/dalvikvm-heap(19642): Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 67108880-byte allocation
08-26 17:15:29.372: D/dalvikvm(19642): GC_BEFORE_OOM freed 822K, 65% free 37523K/106080K, paused 78ms, total 78ms
08-26 17:15:30.582: W/dalvikvm(19642): chunk is too big to transmit (length=49579336, 48435 bytes)
08-26 17:15:31.532: E/dalvikvm-heap(19642): Out of memory on a 67108880-byte allocation.
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642): "GLThread 14876" prio=5 tid=19 RUNNABLE
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x42c120d8 self=0x787e8438
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   | sysTid=19729 nice=1 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=2021558416
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   | state=R schedstat=( 51120733635 13119596807 80537 ) utm=1904 stm=3208 core=0
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(Native Method)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:924)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:901)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:868)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at opl.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at okg.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at opy.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at opx.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at ojx.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at ojx.b((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at otq.k((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.532: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at otq.run((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:31.542: W/System.err(19642): OutOfMemory
08-26 17:15:31.642: D/dalvikvm(19642): GC_EXPLICIT freed 4803K, 64% free 38238K/106080K, paused 6ms+11ms, total 102ms
08-26 17:15:32.822: W/dalvikvm(19642): chunk is too big to transmit (length=49444016, 48303 bytes)
08-26 17:15:33.682: D/dalvikvm(19642): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3728K, 66% free 36916K/106080K, paused 65ms, total 65ms
08-26 17:15:34.752: W/dalvikvm(19642): chunk is too big to transmit (length=49398928, 48259 bytes)
08-26 17:15:35.462: I/dalvikvm-heap(19642): Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 67108880-byte allocation
08-26 17:15:35.512: D/dalvikvm(19642): GC_BEFORE_OOM freed 413K, 66% free 36502K/106080K, paused 52ms, total 52ms
08-26 17:15:36.742: W/dalvikvm(19642): chunk is too big to transmit (length=49398928, 48259 bytes)
08-26 17:15:37.282: E/dalvikvm-heap(19642): Out of memory on a 67108880-byte allocation.
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642): "GLThread 14876" prio=5 tid=19 RUNNABLE
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x42c120d8 self=0x787e8438
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   | sysTid=19729 nice=1 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=2021558416
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   | state=R schedstat=( 54770836691 14106993077 84458 ) utm=1996 stm=3481 core=0
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(Native Method)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:924)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:901)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:868)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at opl.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at okg.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at opy.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at opx.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at ojx.a((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at ojx.b((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at otq.k((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.282: I/dalvikvm(19642):   at otq.run((null):-1)
08-26 17:15:37.432: W/dalvikvm(19642): threadid=19: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4178cda0)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 14876
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642): Process: com.example.maptest, PID: 19642
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCreate(Native Method)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:924)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:901)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(Bitmap.java:868)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at opl.a(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at okg.a(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at opy.a(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at opx.a(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at ojx.a(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at ojx.b(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at otq.k(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.442: E/AndroidRuntime(19642):    at otq.run(Unknown Source)
08-26 17:15:37.522: D/AbsListView(19642): unregisterIRListener() is called
08-26 17:15:38.092: D/AbsListView(19642): onDetachedFromWindow
08-26 17:15:38.092: D/AbsListView(19642): unregisterIRListener() is called
08-26 17:15:38.102: D/AbsListView(19642): onVisibilityChanged() is called, visibility : 8
08-26 17:15:38.102: D/AbsListView(19642): unregisterIRListener() is called

try call map onPause, onResume, onLowMemory in corresponding Fragment methods.


08-19 20:40