

我在 react-router 2.x 配置方面遇到了一些困难,特别是应用 basename.

I'm struggling a bit with react-router 2.x configuration, specifically app basename.


I've an application which may have different base root throughout its lifecycle. For instance:

  • / 开发中
  • /users 生产中
  • /account 迁移后生产中
  • / in development
  • /users in production
  • /account in production after migration


The basename comes into play in several places:

  • Webpack 中的静态资源编译
  • react-router 主要配置
  • 在 redux 操作中指定重定向路由
  • 向 API 调用提供诸如 redirectUrl 之类的东西
  • static asset compilation in Webpack
  • react-router main configuration
  • specifying redirect routes in redux actions
  • providing something like redirectUrl to API calls

我目前的解决方案是拥有一个 ENV 变量,并通过 Express 服务器注入 window.defs 使其对 Webpack 和应用程序本身都可用,但我最终还是得到了诸如 ${defs.APP_BASENAME}/signin 在整个应用程序中的位置太多.

My current solution is to have an ENV variable and make it available both to Webpack and to the app itself by injecting window.defs via an Express server, but I still end up having things like ${defs.APP_BASENAME}/signin in way too many places throughout the app.


How can I abstract the app base, or at least tuck it away in a single location? I should be able to specify the base route in Router's config, and then simply use relative routes somehow, right? Or am I missing something?


你可以用 .您可以将其与 Webpack 配置中的 DefinePlugin 混合使用,以指定应使用哪个基本名称.

You can decorate your history with a basename. You could mix this with a DefinePlugin in your Webpack configuration to specify which basename should be used.

// webpack.config.js
new Webpack.DefinePlugin({
  BASENAME: '/users'

// somewhere in your application
import { useRouterHistory } from 'react-router'
import { createHistory } from 'history'

const history = useRouterHistory(createHistory)({
  basename: BASENAME

给定基本名称:/users,React Router 将忽略路径名开头的 /users 所以:

Given the basename: /users, React Router will ignore the /users at the beginning of the pathname so:

  1. URL /users 内部匹配路径 /

URL /users/profile 匹配路径 /profile.

The URL /users/profile matches the path /profile.


Similarly, you do not have to append the basename to the path when you are navigating within your application.

  1. 将在内部导航到 /friends,但地址栏中的 URL 将是 /users/friends.
  1. <Link to='/friends'>Friends</Link> will navigate to /friends internally, but the URL in the location bar will be /users/friends.


08-07 08:03