我试着使用Python的pymssql连接到SQL Azure的服务器。问题是,下面的脚本作品,但只是偶尔,其他时候我得到这个错误:
I'm trying to connect to Azure SQL server using Python's pymssql. The problem is that the following script works but only sometimes, the other times I get this error:
_mssql.MSSQLDatabaseException:(20002,b'DB-Lib的错误信息20002,严重性9:\\ nAdaptive服务器连接失败\\ n')
import pymssql
conn = pymssql.connect(server='x', user='x', password='x', database='x')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM customers');
row = cursor.fetchone()
while row:
print (str(row[0]) + " " + str(row[1]) + " " + str(row[2]))
row = cursor.fetchone()
这会对我帮助很大,如果有人能告诉我为什么这上面的脚本作品只是有时和时代我得到的其余Adaptive Server连接失败错误。
It would help me greatly if someone can tell me why this above script works only sometimes and rest of the times I get the "Adaptive Server connection failed" error.
我审查了这些那么老线程Read从服务器试图从TSQL 连接到SQL-蔚蓝的时候和失败的What是TDS协议版本8.0以及我为什么要使用它?。
I reviewed these SO old threads Read from the server failed when trying to connect to sql-azure from tsql and What is TDS Protocol Version 8.0 and why should I use it?.The issue seems to be caused by using the wrong version of FreeTDS.
I found the key at the page of FreeTDS offical website http://www.freetds.org/faq.html#Does.FreeTDS.support.Microsoft.servers.
FreeTDS will alias this version to 7.1 for backwards compatibility reasons, but this should be avoided due to future compatibility concerns. See note below on obsolete versions.
如果您使用pymssql在Linux上freetds的,我想你需要检查配置文件freetds.conf在路径的/ etc / freetds的/.
If you use pymssql with FreeTDS on linux, I think you need to check the configuration file "freetds.conf" at the path /etc/freetds/.
这是我的Azure以下SQL Server配置:
This is my configuration for Azure SQL Server below:
# A typical Microsoft server
host = <database_name>.database.windows.net
port = 1433
tds version = 7.3
您可以尝试使用freetds的工具'TSQL'到命令测试天青SQL服务器的连接 TSQL -H&LT;数据库名称&GT; .database.windows.net -u用户名-D数据库名 - p 1433 -P密码
You can try to test the connection to Azure SQL server by using freetds tool 'tsql' to command 'tsql -H <database_name>.database.windows.net -U Username -D DatabaseName -p 1433 -P Password
' .