



我正在使用AWS Elastic Beanstalk,并且无法使用PHPMailer发送电子邮件.但是在我的本地服务器上,它就像一个魅力. AWS Elastic Beanstalk使用Red Hat 4.8.3-9 ...我尝试了所有 PHPMailer的诊断技术故障排除,并且一切正常……我不知道最后一个"SELinux阻止"是否是问题所在,但我的错误并不相同.

I'm using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and I can't send emails with PHPMailer. But in my local server it works like a charm. AWS Elastic Beanstalk uses Red Hat 4.8.3-9... I tryed all of diagnose techniques of PHPMailer Troubleshooting and all work fine... I don't know if the last one "SELinux blocking" is the problem, but my error is not the same.

我尝试使用getsebool httpd_can_sendmail,响应为getsebool: SELinux is disabled.



Can you tell me if that's the problem and how I can I fix that?


默认情况下,Elastic beantalk会阻止出站SMTP.故障排除指南中的步骤将向您显示(与服务器上的端口465的telnet或openssl连接将失败).真的没有更多了!亚马逊希望您使用SES接收电子邮件.这实际上是 AWS Elastic Beanstalk-MAIL(发送和接收电子邮件)的副本)

Elastic beanstalk blocks outbound SMTP by default. The steps in the troubleshooting guide will have shown you this (telnet or openssl connections to port 465 on your server would fail). There isn't really any more to it! Amazon wants you to use SES for email. This is really a duplicate of AWS Elastic Beanstalk - MAIL (Sending and receiving emails )


08-26 07:44