

如何查询 MIDI 设备的当前程序、音量等状态?我试图在 Midi 规范中找到它,但没有任何运气.我基本上需要从通过 USB MIDI 连接的数码钢琴获取当前乐器(钢琴等).

How can I query a midi device for a current state of program, volume etc? I tried to find it in Midi specs, yet without any luck. I basically need to get the current instrument (piano etc.) from a digital piano connected by USB midi.

Java 似乎可以做到:

Java seems to be able to do it:




你不能.没有用于转储当前补丁、CC 值等的标准消息.

You can't. There are no such standard messages for dumping the current patch, CC values, etc.

某些合成器具有可用于此目的的 sysex 消息,但并非全部,并且该消息因设备、制造商和制造商而异.

Some synths have sysex messages that can be used for this, but not all, and that message varies from device to device, manufacturer to manufacturer.

您能做的最好的事情就是发送新的 CC 值、设置补丁等,并存储它是什么.如果它在合成器端发生变化,并且您设置了返回路径,您可以接收它并更新您存储的内容.

The best you can do is send new CC values, set the patch, etc., and store what it is. If it changes on the synth end, and you have a return path set up, you can receive it and update what you have stored.


05-29 18:39