查看标题。 如果你隐藏你无法解决的问题,道歉就会空洞。
See title. The apology rings hollow if you hide what it is that you won't resolve.
例如, 这会给任何人带来什么可能的用途?
For example, what possible use does this give anyone?
In fact, it is a consequence of broken branding:
即我使用MVPForums作为查看My Threads的起点,发现一个太大而无法在预览中打开(201个帖子)并在上一个回复链接中间点击,打算稍后查看(因为我设置了中间点击设置以打开
新的背景标签,这些标签可以在我去的时候加载并执行其他操作。) 所以回到一个没有上下文的选项卡而不是一个未知线程的Message-ID的片段几乎是完全无用的,并且要求我回去并试图找出我为b $ b做了什么来生成它。 ;
I.e. I was using the MVPForums as a starting point to look at My Threads, found one which was too big to open in a preview (201 posts) and middle-clicked on the Last Reply link, intending to look at it later (since I have Middle-click set up to open new background tabs which can load while I go and do something else.) So coming back to a tab with no more context than a fragment for a Message-ID of an unknown thread is almost totally useless and requires me to go back and try to figure out what I had done to generate that.
我甚至尝试使用View Source来尝试在其中找到MVP,以防URL被嵌入为评论而不是链接但没有这样的运气。 它真的是一种无用的,非常刺激性的诊断,因为非常空洞的"我们只是b $ b抱歉"而更加刺激。在这个可用性缺陷被抱怨之后的几年。
I even tried using View Source to try to find MVP in it, in case the URL would be embedded as a comment instead of as a link but no such luck. It really is a useless, very irritating diagnostic, made even more irritating by the very hollow "we're sorry" years after this usability defect has been complained about.
BTW to add to my irritation over this there was also a horrible search experience, knowing that there were some current relevant threads in this forum but not being able to find them, using either the pathetic "relevance" filter which finds ones that are too old or the OR-implied but non-Boolean-expression date filters which show nothing relevant.
Robert Aldwinckle
Robert Aldwinckle