我的页面上有一个视图模型,其中包含一些设备当前状态概览的数据.到目前为止,一切都很好,除了一个问题:我需要根据我的 viewModel 中的另一个值设置 div 元素的 title 属性.
I have a viewModel on my page that holds the data for an overview of current states of some devices. So far everything works great except for one issue: I need to set the title attribute of a div element depending on another value in my viewModel.
I know that you can basically set the title attribute like this (within the data-bind attribute of the div tag):
attr: { title: 'Some title' }
使用上面的语句,当悬停 div 时,Some title"被设置为工具提示.我也可以设置:
Using the statement above, "Some title" gets set as tooltip when hovering the div.I can also set this:
attr: { title: ConnectState.Value() }
并且它输出我当前 viewModel 数据的正确值(一个整数值),因此 viewModel 被正确填充.
and it outputs the correct value (an integer value) of my current viewModel data, so the viewModel gets populated correctly.
Now I need to change this to something like that:
attr: {
title: {
'Text 1': ConnectState.Value() == 0,
'Text 2': ConnectState.Value() == 1,
'Text 3': ConnectState.Value() == 2,
'Text 4': ConnectState.Value() == 3
上面的例子只会给出[object Object]"作为标题(或者作为工具提示).我该如何解决?非常感谢提前!
The example above will only give "[object Object]" as title (resp. as tooltip). How can I fix that?Thanks a lot in advance!
在您的视图模型中定义一个 ko.computed.
Define a ko.computed in your viewmodel.
self.ConnectTitle = ko.computed(function() {
return 'Text ' + (self.ConnectState.Value() + 1).toString();
attr: { title: ConnectTitle }
As your binding. You can replace the contents of the computed's function with something that'll suit your needs, if your text was just a simple example.