


I have quite a complex express route in my node.js server, that makes many modifications to the database via mongoose.


My goal is to implement a mechanism, that reverts all changes when any error occurs. My idea was implementing functions for undoing into the catch block.

但这很丑陋,因为我必须知道以前的值是什么,如果catch块中发生错误怎么办?当Promise.all(array.map( /* ... */ ))

But this is quite ugly, as I have to know what the previous values were and what if an error occurs in the catch block? It's especially difficult to revert those changes, when an error occurred during a Promise.all(array.map( /* ... */ ))


module.exports = (req, res) => {

    var arr1, var2, var3

    try {

        const body = req.body

        arr1 = await fetchVar1(body)
        const _data = await Promise.all([
                arr1.map(async x => {
                    const y = await fetchSometing(x)
                    return doSometing(y)
        var2 = _data[1]
        var3 = _data[2]

        return res.json({ arr1, var2, var3 })

    } catch (err) {

         * If an error occurs I have to undo
         * everything that has been done
         * in the try block




您正在寻找的是交易: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/transactions.html

What you are looking for is transactions: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/transactions.html


Manually undoing stuff after doing them won't protect you from every issue, so you should not rely on that. For example, exactly as you wrote: what happens if there is a crash after a partial write (some data is written, some is note), then another crash during your "rollback" code, which does not cleanup everything? If your code depends on your data being absolutely clean, then you have a problem. Your code should either be able to handle partial data correctly, or you must have some way to guarantee that your data is perfectly good at all times.


Transactions is the way to go, because it only commits everything at once if everything works.


08-19 18:09