

所以我有一堆 JTable 。每个 JTable 都在 JScrollPane 中。然后我将这些 JScrollPane 中的每一个添加到 JPanel 。然后我将 JPanel 添加到 JScrollPane 然后再添加到另一个 JPanel with BorderLayout 。较大的 JScrollPane 使用其父级正确调整大小,但每个较小的 JScrollPane 都有不变的高度,大于窗口很小的时候。我怎样才能让每个孩子 JScrollPane 用窗口/父母的高度来调整大小?

So I have a bunch of JTables. Each JTable is inside a JScrollPane. I'm then adding each of these JScrollPanes to a JPanel. I'm then adding this JPanel to a JScrollPane then that to another JPanel with BorderLayout. The larger JScrollPane properly resizes with its parent, but each of the smaller JScrollPanes have constant height, which is larger than the window when it is small. How can I get each of the children JScrollPanes to resize with the height of the window/their parent?

我尝试使用 FlowLayout 添加更多中介 JPanel BorderLayout ,似乎没有任何效果。

I've tried adding more intermediary JPanels with FlowLayout, BorderLayout, and nothing seems to work.


public class MyPanel extends JPanel
    public MyPanel()
        super(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            // View extends JTable
            panel.add(new JScrollPane(new View(new Model())));
        add(new JScrollPane(panel));


I'm really just trying to get a bunch of tables with scrollbars horizontally next to each other inside a larger panel with a horizontal scrollbar. And I want all that stuff to resize appropriately when the window size changes.


final MyPanel panel = new MyPanel();
final JTabbedPane tabView = new JTabbedPane();
tabView.add("foo", panel);

final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, ..., tabView);
this.add(splitPane); // this extends JFrame



You can use a BoxLayout. If you want the opposite: some table being fixed, you can wrap it with constraint Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(100, 100)) .


10-14 22:25