

我在Visual Studio中使用Cordova,并添加了。通过config.xml编辑器屏幕成功添加插件

I'm using Cordova within Visual Studio and added the ListView plugin. The plugin was added successfully via the config.xml editor screen

当我调用 window.plugins.listpicker.showPicker 我可以跟踪一路到<$​​ c $ c> cordova.exec(_callback,_error_callback,'ListPicker','showPicker',[config])然后Ripple显示I Haz Cheeseburger on ListPicker.showPicker我们似乎缺少一些东西:(

When I call window.plugins.listpicker.showPicker I can trace all the way to cordova.exec(_callback, _error_callback, 'ListPicker', 'showPicker', [config]) then Ripple displays the "I Haz Cheeseburger" error on ListPicker.showPicker We seem to be missing some stuff :(


I have verified that the plugin is listed in the plugins folder with other plugins that I am using


简短版本:你没有做错什么,在实际的设备或模拟器上测试你的应用程序,它应该可以正常工作。 >

Short Version: You did not do anything wrong, test your app on a actual device or an emulator and it should work fine.

Long Version:


Ripple仅仅是一个模拟器:它模拟一些真实设备的能力,而不是所有的。您似乎可以测试Ripple中的 ,但几乎不支持自定义插件。


Taken from here
Ripple is just a simulator: It simulates some of the capabilities of a real device, not all of them. It seems you can test the Cordova core plugins in Ripple, but there is pretty much no support for custom plugins.
I created an empty project Cordova app and just pasted the sample code from the link you provided: In Ripple I get the error you described, while everything works fine, if I run the app on my android device.


10-12 07:09