


Has anybody got the BB simulator and MDS simulator to work?

我的MDS安装和4 BB电话SIM的。出于某种原因,当我第一次安装SIM BB它可能工作,然后它就会停止工作。

I have the MDS installed and 4 BB phone sim's. For some reason, when I first install the BB sim it might work and then it will stop working.


Has anybody had this issue and know how to fix it?


我第一次使用这两种,黑莓JDE 6.0.0 及其版本MDS-CS的,效果很不错。后一对夫妇模拟器重新加载测试一个浏览器推应用程序,在 9800模拟器停止与移动设备服务模拟器连接。所有的规则都是重要的,但对我来说,规则#3让我停用了WiFi连接后模拟器的互联网浏览器的 连接

The first time I used both, BlackBerry JDE 6.0.0 and its version of MDS-CS, it worked very well. After a couple of simulator reloads to test a Browser-Push application, the 9800 simulator stopped connecting with the Mobile Device Service Simulator. All rules are important, but in my case, rule #3 allowed me to connect the simulator's internet browser after deactivating the WiFi connection

  1. MDS应运行的的启动模拟器;它侦听端口8080,所以要确保没有其他正在侦听该端口上启动它。

  1. MDS should be running before you start the simulator; and it listens on port 8080, so make sure nothing else is listening on that port before you start it.

该模拟器似乎拿起从 rimpublic.property 文件MDS位置(在 MDS /配置),这是MDS安装的一部分,而 rimpublic.property 需要有机器的完全限定主机名在里面,不是本地主机

The simulator seems to pick up the MDS location from the rimpublic.property file (under MDS/config), which is part of the MDS install, and rimpublic.property needs to have the machine's fully qualified host name in it, not localhost.

如果你开始你的模拟器没有MDS运行,你将需要删除的的.dmp 在[installroot] / [phonemodel]文件。这个问题经常与黑莓JDE 6.0.0版发生。

If you've started your simulator without the MDS running, you will need to remove the .dmp files in [installroot]/[phonemodel]. This problem often happens with BlackBerry JDE version 6.0.0.


These rules seem to have work for me so far.


05-29 14:18