


I'm developing an android app and I'm using GeoFire library in it.


I have updated all of my code as per the latest version of Firebase, but I failed in updating GeoFire to the latest version which is causing a code conflict.

即使在 geofire 的github网站上,也没有此类信息.

Even on the github website of geofire, there is no such information.

在使用旧的geofire版本运行应用程序时,出现此错误:Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: You need to set the Android context using Firebase.setAndroidContext() before using Firebase.在此行geoFire = new GeoFire(new Firebase("https://appname.firebaseio.com/appDetails/"));

Upon running the app with old geofire version, I'm getting this error: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: You need to set the Android context using Firebase.setAndroidContext() before using Firebase. on this line geoFire = new GeoFire(new Firebase("https://appname.firebaseio.com/appDetails/"));

然后再次添加Firebase.setAndroidContext(this);时,出现此错误:Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Android classes not found. Are you using the firebase-client-android artifact?

And upon adding Firebase.setAndroidContext(this); again, I'm getting this error: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Android classes not found. Are you using the firebase-client-android artifact?


How to update to the latest version of GeoFire?



此处相同!当心新的更新.在Github上查看此 OPEN问题.解决后,我们将能够获取最新的库.

Same here! Watch out for the new update.Check out this OPEN Issues on Github. Once resolve, we'll be able to get the latest library.

希望这会尽快完成.JavaScript已经更新. Android/iOS仍在进行中.

Hoping this will be done as soon as possible.JavaScript has been updated already. Android / iOS still on process.


05-29 10:51