


I know this is a basic question, but I’m having a lot of trouble with it nonetheless.

我有一个存储社区事件的Firebase数据库.每个事件节点都有一个地理位置节点(使用GeoFire创建),名为 eventPlace (请参见下面的屏幕截图).

I have a Firebase database storing community events. Each event node has a geo location node (created with GeoFire) called eventPlace (see screenshot below).

使用GeoFire(和javascript),如何查询整个数据库并获取特定位置/半径内的所有事件?考虑到数据的存储方式,这可能吗?还是我需要将所有位置节点移动到一个公共节点(eventPlaces ??)并查询该单个父节点?

Using GeoFire (and javascript), how would I query the entire database and get all events within a certain location/radius? Is this possible, given the way the data is stored? Or do I need to move all the location nodes to a common node (eventPlaces??) and query that single parent node?


Note that I am not seeking real-time data. These locations are stored previously and don’t change very often.




As it stands right now geofire sort of serves as an index to make geoqueries on, and provides the key of the document you want (which would be stored in a separate "collection").

您应该使用geofire和一个单独的集合"(将其命名为 eventPlaces )

You should be using geofire and a separate "collection" (call it eventPlaces)

var firebaseRef = firebase.database().ref('eventPlaces');
var geoFire = new GeoFire(firebaseRef);


Now you can use it as an index for your events, and can add items to it like so.

geoFire.set('-K_Pp-3RBJ58VkHGsL5P', [40.607765, -73.758949]);

您的Firebase RTDB现在将如下所示:

Your Firebase RTDB will look like this now:

   'events': {
        '-K_Pp-3RBJ58VkHGsL5P': {
            // All your data here
   'eventPlaces': {
        '-K_Pp-3RBJ58VkHGsL5P': {
            'g': 'dr5x186m7u',
            'l': [40.607765, -73.758949]


So finally when you do a query on your geoFire:

  center: [40.607765, -73.758949],
  radius: 10
}).on('key_entered', (key, location, distance) => {
  console.log(key + ' entered query at ' + location + ' (' + distance + ' km from center)');


You'll end up being returned the key of the doc, for which you can do a normal Firebase query for that individual doc.


10-12 11:33