

我想制作一个当用户进入区域时发送通知的应用程序.我知道存在Geofire,并且想使用,因为我使用的是Firebase数据库,但是我从未使用过它,也不知道它是否具有与Google Geofences相同的行为.

I want to make an app which send a notification when the user enters in an area. I know that exists Geofire, and I would like to use, because i'm using a Firebase database, however I never used it, and I don't know if it has the same behaviour of Google Geofences.


Can someone tell me if I can implement my idea with Geofire?



如本文官方Firebase博客中所示, GeoFire进入移动状态

As seen in the oficial Firebase blog in this post, GeoFire Goes Mobile

如果您是GeoFire的新手,则它是一个地理位置库,可将字符串键映射到位置并将其存储在Firebase中.使用GeoFire,您可以回答一个简单但重要的问题:哪些键位于给定的地理区域内?但是,GeoFire的功能不会仅仅停留在简单的位置查​​询上,它的真正强大之处在于一切都实时发生. 对象移动时,事件将在它们进入,退出并在该区域中移动时触发.

If you're new to GeoFire, it's a geolocation library that maps string keys to locations and stores them in Firebase. Using GeoFire, you can answer a simple but important question: Which keys lie within a given geographic region? But GeoFire's features don't stop at simple location queries, it's true power is that everything happens in realtime. When objects move, events will be fired as they enter, exit and move around the region.


GeoFire opens a wide range of possibilities: You can build an app that displays who's going for a run within a mile radius of yourself and show their location in realtime. You can display taxis within a search radius and animate them as they move. Or you can build an app that simply lists all interesting bars nearby.


Aswering your question, yes it's possbile to implement your idea with Geofire and even more than that.


09-21 06:51