本文介绍了如何划分的boost ::可选<双&GT ;?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



boost::optional<double> result = _ind1.Value() / _ind2.Value();

每个arg是的boost ::可选&LT;双&GT; 太:

boost::optional<double> Value() {
    return value;


错误1错误C2676:二进制'/':'的boost ::可选&LT; T&GT;'不定义此运算符或转换到类型接受的predefined运营商
            操作数类型是:推动::可选&LT;双&GT; /升压::可选&LT;双&GT;

据我所知,似乎分工只是没有定义。我预计结果为的boost ::无如果有两个参数是 - 否则,我想这是正常的双师。我是不是应该写这个自己?

I understand that it seems that division is just not defined. I expect result to be boost::none if any of two arguments is none - otherwise I want it to be normal double division. Should I just write this myself?



Of course such a simple operation as division of doubles is supported.

但你是不是想分裂双打。你企图分裂的boost ::可选&LT;双重方式&gt; ■哪些是一个完全不同的故事

But you aren't trying to divide doubles. You're trying to divide boost::optional<double>s which is a whole different story.


If you want, you can define a division operator for this. It might look like (untested):

template<typename T>
boost::optional<T> operator/(const boost::optional<T>& a, const boost::optional<T>& b)
    if(a && b) return *a / *b;
    else return boost::optional<T>();

在C ++ 11(Yakk的code提供):

In C++11 (code courtesy of Yakk):

template<class T,class U> struct divide_result {
  typedef typename std::decay<decltype(std::declval<T>()/std::declval<U>())>::type;
template<class T, class U> using divide_result_t=typename divide_result<T,U>::type;
template<typename T,typename U>
boost::optional<divide_result_t<T,U>> operator/(const boost::optional<T>& a, const boost::optional<U>& b)
    if(a && b) return *a / *b;
    else return boost::none;


I used a template because now it's also good for int, float, etc.

这篇关于如何划分的boost ::可选&LT;双&GT ;?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 09:28