I cannot find an answer for how I might use an already opened fstream to output formatted doubles to a text file. Currently my code is doing this:
int writeToFile (fstream& f, product_record& p)
if (!f){
cout << "out file failed!!error" << endl;
return -1;
} else {
f << p.idnumber << endl;
f << p.name << endl;
f << p.price << endl;
f << p.number << endl;
f << p.tax << endl;
f << p.sANDh << endl;
f << p.total << endl;
f << intArrToString( p.stations ) << endl;
其中p是struct叫做product_record价格,税金,sANDh和总计都是双倍。我已尝试过 f< setprecision(4)<< p.price< endl;
Where p is struct called product_record and price, tax, sANDh, and total are all doubles I have tried doing f << setprecision(4) << p.price << endl;
but this does not work. How can i format this double to have a precision of two decimal places. Like this "#.00"
. How can I achieve this using specifically fstream?
Also, fyi, the overall task is to simply read a txt file, store data in a struct, add structs to a vector and then read from the structs to print to an output file. The input file already has the doubles formatted like 10.00, 2.00 and such(2-decimal places)
f << fixed << setprecision(2) << endl;
set precision设置有效位数,而不是小数位数。例如
set precision sets the number of significant digits, not the number of decimals places. For example
cout << setprecision(3) << 12.3456 << endl;
would output 12.3
Sending in fixed first makes it so you are setting the precision from a fixed position (the decimal place) rather than from the first digit of the floating point value.
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