

我想知道如何在没有除法硬件和浮点硬件的情况下以二进制实现 IEEE-754 32 位单精度浮点除法?

I am wondering how to implement IEEE-754 32-bit single precision floating point division in binary with no division hardware and no floating point hardware?


I have shifting hardware, add, subtract, and multiply.

我已经使用 16 位字实现了浮点乘法、加法和减法.

I have already implemented floating point multiplication, addition, and subtraction using 16-bit words.

我正在一个专有的多核处理器上实现这些指令,并用汇编语言编写我的代码.之前,我正在使用 matlab 来验证我的算法.

I am implementing these instructions on a proprietary multicore processor and writing my code in assembly. Beforehand, I am using matlab to verify my algorithm.


I know I need to subtract the exponents, but how do i perform unsigned division on the mantissas?



Depends on how complicated you want to make it. Keeping it reasonably simple, you could try division by reciprocal approximation.

而不是计算:(n/d)你会计算:n *(1/d).

Rather than calculating: (n / d) you'd work out: n * (1 / d).

为此,您需要使用某种方法计算倒数,例如 Newton-Raphson,它使用牛顿法连续计算除数倒数的更准确估计,直到它足够"准确地满足您的目的,然后再进行最后的乘法步骤.

To do this you'd need to work out the reciprocal using some method, for example, Newton-Raphson which uses Newton's method to calculate successively more accurate estimates of the reciprocal of the divisor until it's "adequately" accurate for your purpose before doing the final multiplication step.



Just seen your update. This may, or may not, be useful for you after all!


07-04 23:25