


I need to implement a simple macro that finds the modulo of two numbers on a processor that doesn't have a division operator (think ARM). I could use division by repeated subtraction, but I don't know if this was the most efficient or easiest to work with.

有什么建议? code甚至会更有帮助。这种特殊的类有我们使用SPARC的一个子集,所以大部分操作是这样的:添加R1,R2,rdest

Any suggestions? Code would be even more helpful. This particular class has us using a subset of SPARC, so most operations look like this: add r1, r2, rdest.

这个特殊的任务要求检查国防部b == 0 或除法的余数是零。所以,对一个高效的执行任何提示或建议将是最受欢迎的。

This particular assignment calls for checking that a mod b == 0 or that the remainder of the division is zero. So any hints or suggestions toward an efficient implementation would be most welcome.



No idea what exact operations you are limited to, but I'd think you'd do long division, something like this, in pseudo-code:

dividend = abs(dividend)
divisor = abs(divisor)
if divisor == 0,
remainder = dividend
next_multiple = divisor

    multiple = next_multiple
    next_multiple = left_shift(multiple, 1)
while next_multiple <= remainder && next_multiple > multiple

while multiple >= divisor,
    if multiple <= remainder,
        remainder = remainder - multiple
    multiple = right_shift(multiple, 1)


To actually calculate the quotient (or at least its absolute value), the last part would be something like:

quotient = 0
while multiple >= divisor,
    quotient = left_shift(quotient, 1);
    if multiple <= remainder,
        remainder = remainder - multiple
        quotient = quotient + 1
    multiple = right_shift(multiple, 1)


None of this is tested, and it is probably riddled with errors.


09-27 05:08