我们使用巡航控件.net 来在我们的Delphi 2006应用程序中进行持续集成.我们使用类似于此处所述的设置.
We use cruise control .net to do our Continuous Integration in our Delphi 2006 application. We use a setup similar to the one described here.
1) What is the best scripting tool/language to use implement the build script?
2) Are there any advantages of using WANT over using NANT?
(NOTE: D2006 is not compatible with MSBuild)
I never used WANT, but NANT works fine with any Delphi version. I presume NANT is also better supported and has more features you can use since it is used more widely then WANT.
顺便说一句:您仍然可以使用MSBuild并根据需要调用dcc32.这样就和NANT一样.如果您转到Delphi 2007,则由于Delphi项目采用MSBuild格式,因此MSBuild与NANT相比具有更大的优势.但是即使那样,您仍然可以使用NANT作为构建脚本.它只会调用MSBuild进行单独的构建.
BTW: You can still use MSBuild and call dcc32 if you want. In that way it is the same as NANT. If you move to Delphi 2007 MSBuild has a bigger advantage over NANT since the Delphi projects are in the MSBuild format. But even then you can still use NANT as a buildscript. It will just call out to MSBuild to do the separate builds.
另一个值得一试的构建工具是 FinalBuilder .它非常完整,并且了解Delphi.应该使用,因为它是使用Delphi构建的.他们还提供了CruiseControl之类的持续集成解决方案.缺点是FinalBuilder不是免费的.
Another build tool that is worth checking out is FinalBuilder. It is very complete and knows Delphi. It should, since it is build using Delphi. They also offer a CruiseControl like Continuous Integration solution. The drawback is that FinalBuilder is not free.