我想实现一个类似于像Skimlinks,Viglink等affilite跟踪系统的系统。我搜索他们的客户跟踪系统。找到一些关于跟踪系统的信息。我还搜索了Google Analytics(分析),Piwik,OWA等Google Analytics(分析)系统。有一点我需要指导。
我使用Google Analytics(分析)的跟踪方法(JS跟踪)在我的网站上跟踪了用户活动,点击等。但我找不到一个方式Skimlinks或Viglink跟踪用户活动(成功支付用户)在用户重定向的购物网站。
链接:Street Abada
http://go.redirectingat.com /?id=25227X845172&site=capoeira-izmir.com&xs=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FHELANCA-POLYAMID-CAPOEIRA-PANTS-ABADA-YOGA-FREE-BONFIM- %2F280678232152%3Fpt%3DUS_CSA_MC_Pants%26hash%3Ditem4159b9f058%23ht_2891wt_1163& xguid = 94275a6f74c7ce02bf4739e364d8831c& xcreo = 0& sref = http%3A%2F%2Fwww.capoeira-izmir.com%2Fcapoeira-kiyafetleri%2F
/ p>
它会将用户重定向到go.redirectingat.com,然后重定向到ebay.com /...
我也注意到它添加一个属性到ebay产品链接的网址: afsrc = 1
我想它是affiliate source = 1
- 用户的浏览器转到广告平台(Adwords,Rightmedia,Appnexus ,等等),并且cookie放置在她的浏览器中。在此Cookie中,有一个点击ID,其中包含所有相关信息(发起点击,时间,IP,广告系列等的网站),并被重定向到广告客户的网站。
- (购买)
- 用户被重定向到放置跟踪像素的感谢页面,向广告平台发出请求
当用户使用VigLink点击clickbank产品的链接时。 VigLink将其联属网络链接附加到此同一产品和唯一的TID。我假设此TID与其数据库中包含引用该点击的VigLink网站的信息的ID匹配。
如果用户购买该产品,VigLink将在其ClickBank中看到报告(我通过ClickBank API假定)所购买的产品和TID,等等,他们将知道在哪个网站发起了销售。
简短的回答:VigLink不跟踪广告客户网站中的用户操作。 他们只是在点击跟踪广告和广告客户的报告之间匹配点击ID。
I want to implement a system similar to affilite tracking systems like Skimlinks, Viglink, etc. I searched their customer tracking systems. Found some information about tracking systems. I have also searched Analytics systems like Google Analytics, Piwik, OWA. There is a point I need to be guided.
When a user visits my website, clicks a product link of a shopping website like ebay, amazon, etc. I need to track the payment information of my user at the shopping website.
I achieved tracking user activity, clicks, etc on my web site with using Analytics's tracking methods (JS tracking). But I cannot find a way how Skimlinks or Viglink tracks user activity(succesful payment of users) in the shopping website which user redirected.(Tracking user activity in the shopping website without using a service from shopping website, without Instant Payment Notification service of PayPay or something else)
I noticed Viglink and Skimlinks redirects user to their server before shopping and adds some additional information (like cookies, URL parameters etc)
Here is an example link to affiliate link of Skimlinks
website : http://www.capoeira-izmir.com/capoeira-kiyafetleri/link : Street Abada
It redirects user to go.redirectingat.com first, then a redirection is done to ebay.com/...
I also noticed that it adds an attribute to the url of ebay product link : afsrc=1
I guess it is "affiliate source = 1 " or something like that.
Any guidance or documents about this will be great for me.
Thanks in advance!!
I think your question is more about how online advertising works rather than technical.
This is a two parts answer.
1. How a conversion tracking works:
In any advertising platform that tracks conversions (any user action that happens in the advertiser property like, in example, a sale) you need to make a request to the advertising platform to notify this.
This is usually done by placing a "Tracking pixel" in the confirmation page the users see after performing the action, commonly known as the "Thank you page".
So the process goes like:
- User goes to a website and sees an ad
- User clicks the ad
- The user's browser goes to the advertising platform (Adwords, Rightmedia, Appnexus, etc) and a cookie is placed in her browser. In this cookie there's a click ID, containing all the relevant information (website that originated the click, time, IP, campaign, etc) and it is redirected to the advertiser's website
- The user lands in the advertiser website and "converts" (buys)
- The user is redirected to the Thank you page where a "Tracking pixel" is placed, this makes a request to the advertising platform, which reads the cookies in the user's browser and if there's a match, logs the conversion.
Note: The previous example is a Client Side conversion. The same logic could be done in a Server Side request by the advertiser saving the "click id" in step 4 and sending it to the advertising platform in step 5. This is useful when the conversion occurs offline.
For more information: Adwords Conversion tracking: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722054?hl=en
2. How I assume VigLink works
I noticed that many of the products VigLink tracks are from ClickBank, since this is the one I'm more used to, I will write the answer using this example.
You first need to be aware that VigLink is an "affiliate" of Clickbank. As such, it has a report of every sale made by users they referred. They, as affiliates, also have the chance to pass extra information in each click as a TID parameter. This TID sent as a URL parameter in the click will be shown in the sales report.
When a user clicks on a link to a clickbank product using VigLink. VigLink attaches their affiliate link to this same product and a unique TID. I assume this TID matches an ID in their database containing the information of the VigLink website who referred the click.
If the user buys the product, VigLink will see in their ClickBank report (I assume via the ClickBank API) the product bought and the TID, and so on they will know in which website the sale was originated.
Short answer: VigLink is not tracking user actions in the advertiser's website. They are just matching click IDs between their click tracker and the advertiser's reports.