我得到了很多的请求在我的应用程序,允许自定义图标从BetterCut /开回家包。它似乎工作的方式是安装BetterCut或打开主页,那么你就可以从市场安装吨,这些免费的图标包。一旦安装了这些应用程序(和其他应用程序)将轮询这些图标包和使用的图标。
I get a lot of requests in my application to allow for custom icons packs from BetterCut / Open Home. The way it seems to work is you install BetterCut or Open Home, then you can install tons of these free icon packs from the market. Once installed both those apps (and other apps) will poll for those icon packs and use the icons.
I want to know how to poll the install applications for the asset folders that are available. I have opened up a few of the icon packs and verified that there is an assets folder in there and they are full of all the icon png files.
I've searched on here, other code sites, google, etc but havn't found any leads.
From the answer below I have written some code to try and list a file from my own projects assets directory but it does not seem to work.
Resources r = this.getResources();
AssetManager a = r.getAssets();
String[] list = a.list("/");
Log.d("test", "Length of / is "+list.length);
for (String s : list) {
Log.d("test", s);
Log.d("test", "Length of /assets is "+a.list("/assets").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of /assets/ is "+a.list("/assets/").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of /assets/ is "+a.list("/assets/").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of ./assets/ is "+a.list("./assets/").length);
Log.d("test", "Length of ./assets is "+a.list("./assets").length);
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of / is 6
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): AndroidManifest.xml
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): META-INF
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): assets
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): classes.dex
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): res
03-16 12:25:04.591: DEBUG/test(13526): resources.arsc
03-16 12:25:04.614: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of /assets is 0
03-16 12:25:04.637: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of /assets/ is 0
03-16 12:25:04.661: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of /assets/ is 0
03-16 12:25:04.692: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of ./assets/ is 0
03-16 12:25:04.716: DEBUG/test(13526): Length of ./assets is 0
更新2 99%有!!!:
UPDATE 2 99% There!!!:
I figured out that you can read from the assets directory without actually using the folder name:
InputStream is = assetManager.open("test.png");
I also tried this with an asset in Appliction 2 from Application 1, where the folder path is /asset/icon/image.png:
InputStream is = assetManager.open("icon/image.png");
Next I figured out that you can list a directory inside assets:
String[] list = assetManager.list("icons");
That also works great. The only thing failing right now is how to list the base directory assets.
要获取基本 /资产
To get the base /assets
folder you need to use the AssetsManager to list the directory with just quotes:
AssetManager am = this.getAssets();
String[] names = am.list("");
将有列出了一些其他文件:图像,声音,WebKit的,也许其他人。您可以忽略这些目录,它们是框架的资产目录中的一部分。这是从 groups.google.com :
目前的资产管理公司合并的 从框架资产目录 随着自己的文件资源 摆在资产。我们应该 可能改变这种行为(这是 一个旧的资源/本地化的一部分 模型),但它并没有做太多的伤害 不同之处在于你会看到更多 在你自己的资产的文件/目录 比你想象的。您的任何 是相同的为一体,在文件 框架资产将被用来代替, 通过访问时的 AssetManager。
You can also list a subfolder inside the assets directory and do not need any slashes:
String[] names= am.list("subfolder");
Note that I did not include "/assets"
in the filename.Finally once you have your list of files you can load them in like:
InputStream in = am.open("file.png");
That will load in a file in the base assets folder. Or you can load a file in a subfolder like this:
InputStream in = am.open("subfolder/file.png");
If you need to load those pngs into a Bitmap you can also do the following:
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);