

静态代码分析工具(Fortify from HP)在分配任何控件的Font属性时,抱怨Visual Studio Designer生成的WinForms代码。分析工具会抱怨:

pre $ 143 $ this.mCopyrightLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(Microsoft Sans Serif ,8.25F,System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold,System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,((System.Byte)(0)));

我已经搜索了关于在Windows窗体中处理字体一段时间的主题,这些是我收集的几点:$ b​​
$ b

  1. 创建字体将占用一个GDI对象,这是一个非托管资源,因此重要的是在不再需要时被释放

  2. GDI对象是昂贵且稀缺的,WinForm缓存它们。

  3. 处理WinForms控件也会处理所有的子控件,并释放获得的非托管资源。 modeless






在Dispose of a Control或Control中释放对Font的引用,并让GC处理所有剩下的内容?




  1. WinForm在关闭的时候处理一个Form(显式地,不是由GC) b $ b
  2. 处理表单将递归地处置其所有子控件
  3. 处理控件将处理与其Font属性关联的Font对象(同样,显式地,而不是GC) / li>




A static code analysis tool (Fortify from HP) is complaining about Visual Studio Designer generated WinForms code when Font property of any control is assigned. The analysis tool complains :

line 143: this.mCopyrightLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((System.Byte)(0)));

I have been searched the topic regarding the disposing of font in windows forms for a while, and these are the points I gathered:

  1. creating font will occupy a GDI object, which is an unmanaged resource and therefore is important to be released when no longer needed
  2. Since GDI objects are expensive and scarce, WinForm caches them.
  3. Dispose WinForms control will also dispose all its child control and "release the unmanaged resource obtained"
  4. Form will be disposed when closed if the Form is modeless

Therefore I want to conclude that there is no need to explicit dispose Font assigned to controls in VS-generated code, and probably we should not to do so since fonts are cached?

I created a very simple Form test program: by clicking a button I create a new empty form who uses a different font. The GDI object count in Task Manager goes down immediately after I close the newly opened Form. This is an evidence of the above mentioned points, isn't it?

However the static analyzer seems not to believe the same. It believes the Font will eventually be released by GC. It also believes this is not good for unmanaged resource since the memory consumed sits outside GC's knowledge therefore GC will not be triggered timely because GC feels no memory pressure. This give attacker an opportunity to intentionally trigger deplete the unmanaged pool.

Can you help me a little on understanding the explanation given by the analyzer? Is it valid for WinFroms ? It would be tedious to manually dispose every Font created.

To be precise:

Is Font disposed immediately and explicitly during the Dispose of a Control, or Control release the reference to the Font and let GC handle all the left?


A further update to my question:Another experiment I did is: I monitored my test WinForm application in both TaskManager and a memory profiler. The main Form has a button which will open another Form whose Font is different when clicked. I noticed that when I clicked the button and opened the new Form, the GDI object count in TaskManager goes up. So as the count of Font objects observed by memory profiler.

However, when I closed the new Form, the count of GDI objects in TaskManager went down immediately. The count of Font objects in the memory profiler did not change, implying the GC did not happen. These Font objects, however, were tagged as "disposed but not collected" in the memory profiler.

It gives me this feeling that Font object set to WinForms Control's Font property has been properly disposed when Form is closed. It seems the logic behind the scene is

  1. WinForm disposes a Form when it is closed (explicitly, not by GC)
  2. Dispose a Form will recursively dispose all its child Controls
  3. Dispose a Control will dispose the Font object associated with its Font property (again, explicitly, not by GC)

But this is just indirect proof + my analysis. I dont have any direct proof like source code or official document to support it.


When Form is closed , GC will dispose automatically no need to explicitly dispose font


09-05 13:36