I'm using R to create a competitive map of strategic groups in the industry I'm researching. The number of outlets is along the x-axis, Sales is the y-axis as well as the size of the bubble. Code used:
qplot(data = supermarket, x = outlets, y = sales, size = sales, color = retailer)
However, I need to increase the overall size of the bubbles as it is too unclear at the moment. Please see below for an example.
What I need is to have the bubbles keep their size relative to sales but become larger overall to increase the visibility.
播放方式: + scale_size_continuous(range = c())
#supermarket <- data.frame(sales = sample(1:50000, 12),
# outlets = sample(1:3000, 12), retailer = LETTERS[1:12])
#I use ggplot rather than qplot and understand it so that's what I used here
ggplot(data = supermarket, aes(x=outlets, y=sales, size=sales, color=retailer)) +
geom_point() + scale_size_continuous(range = c(3, 8))
或者您也可以使用代码并按照bdemarest的建议添加 scale_size_continuous
: / p>
Or you can just use your code and add the scale_size_continuous
as bdemarest suggests above:
qplot(data = supermarket, x = outlets, y = sales, size = sales, color = retailer) +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(3, 8))
Both will yield the same results.