I need to integrate a Django system with a Wordpress site, as in wordpress users should be able to log in the DJnago part and vice versa,
需要了解密码散列在Wordpress中的工作原理。我可以看到存储用户名和密码散列的 wp_users
For this I need to understand how the password hashing works in Wordpress. I can see the wp_users
table which stores the username and password hashes.
Looking through the wordpress code, I can see the password is set via wp_set_password, which is using hash_password to hash the password.
Now I dont know enough PHP to understand how it is working. I need to replicate the same in python so I can validate the password from Django part.
There is a comment in the implementation saying:
28 /**
29 * Portable PHP password hashing framework.
30 *
31 * @package phpass
32 * @version 0.1 / genuine
33 * @link http://www.openwall.com/phpass/
34 * @since 2.5
35 */
使用的散列框架是,其页面链接到Python实现。 。该页面有一些其他有用的链接(例如Perl实现)。
The hashing framework used is phpass, and its page links to a Python implementation. Here's the link (.tar.gz). That page has some other useful links (such as a Perl implementation).