


I have been using delegation pattern to wrap an object created by a factory in a 3rd party library. Recently, the library added a protected method in the base class and my wrapper class doesn't work any longer. Does anyone have a good solution without resorting to reflection?


This is in 3rd party library and in their package,

public class Base {
    public void foo();

    protected void bar(); // Newly added


public class MyWrapper extends Base {
    private Base delegate;

    public MyWrapper(Base delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;

    public void foo() {

    protected void bar() {
        // Don't know what to do


My original post wasn't clear. These 2 classes are in different packages.


To answer the question why I need delegation. This is a typical use-case of Delegation/Wrapper pattern and I can't show it here in a few lines of code. The library exposes Base class but the actual object from their factory is a derived class of Base. The actual class changes depending on configuration. So I don't know what delegate is. Therefore straight inheritance pattern doesn't work here.


Access Levels
Modifier    Class   Package Subclass    World
public      Y          Y        Y         Y
protected   Y          Y        Y         N
no modifier Y          Y        N         N
private     Y          N        N         N

protected has package access,你看到任何具体问题吗?

protected has package access too, do you see any specific issue with this:

class Base {
        public void foo(){};

        protected void bar(){}; // Newly added

    class MyWrapper  {
        private Base delegate;

        public MyWrapper(Base delegate) {
            this.delegate = delegate;

        public void foo() {

        protected void bar() {
            // Don't know what to do
            delegate.bar(); //since its in same package, it can be referenced, do you expect compile time error?

进一步使用委托者模式为什么包装类扩展 Base class,我没有看到具体的需要,因为你已经有一个 Base 的实例。对我而言似乎更像是装饰师。

Further while using delegator pattern why wrapper class extends Base class, I don't see specific need since you already have an instance of Base. To me it seems more of an decorator.


08-22 20:32