


I need javascript regex that will match words that are NOT followed by space character and has @ before, like this:


@bug - finds "@bug", because no space afer it


@bug and me - finds nothing because there is space after "@bug"


@bug and @another - finds "@another" only


@bug and @another and something - finds nothing because both words are followed by space.


Help?Added:string is fetched from and FF puts it's own tags at end of it. Although I basically need only the last word starting with @, $ (end-of-string) can not be used.


尝试re = /@\w+\b(?! )/.这将查找一个单词(确保它捕获了整个单词),并使用否定的超前查询来确保单词后没有空格.

Try re = /@\w+\b(?! )/. This looks for a word (making sure it captures the whole word) and uses a negative lookahead to make sure the word is not followed by a space.


var re = /@\w+\b(?! )/, // etc etc

for ( var i=0; i<cases.length; i++ ) {
    print( re2.exec(cases[i]) )


这唯一不起作用的方法是,如果您的单词以下划线结尾,并且您希望标点符号成为单词的一部分:例如,由于@another,'@ bug和@another_ blahblah'将选择@another后面没有空格.似乎不太可能,但是如果您也想处理这种情况,则可以使用/@\w+\b(?![\w ]/,对于@bug and @another_来说返回null,对于@another and @bug_则返回@bug_.

The only way this won't work is if your word ends in an underscore and you wanted that punctuation to be part of the word: For example '@bug and @another_ blahblah' will pick out @another since @another wasn't followed by a space.This doesn't seem very likely but if you wanted to deal with that case too, you could use /@\w+\b(?![\w ]/ and that would return null for @bug and @another_ and @bug_ for @another and @bug_.


08-21 07:07