<串GT;的NSApplication< /串>
<密钥GT; NSAppleScriptEnabled< /键>
<密钥GT; OSAScriptingDefinition< /键>
<串GT; MyAppName.sdef< /串>...当然你要MyAppName更改为您的应用程序的名称
进一步当然,现在在很大程度上取决于应用程序的需求,主要有:- 顶级元素(创建的AppleScript的对象)
- 命令元素(覆盖NSScriptCommand和执行动词,如命令)
- 枚举元素
- 记录类型元素
- 数值类型元素(KVC)
- 可可元素
告诉结束 -
!< DOCTYPE词典系统文件://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd><字典标题=MyAppName>
<套件名称=MyAppName套房code =MApN描述=MyAppName脚本>
<命令名称=查找code =lkpstrng描述=查找的字符串,条目的搜索>
<类型type =TEXT/>
< /直接参数>
< /指挥GT;
< /套房>
< /字典> -
#进口<基金会/ Foundation.h>@interface MyLookupCommand:NSScriptCommand@结束
#进口MyLookupCommand.h@implementation MyLookupCommand - (ID)performDefaultImplementation { //获取参数
*的NSDictionary ARGS = [个体经营evaluatedArguments]
* NSString的stringToSearch = @;
stringToSearch = [参数valueForKey:@]; //获取直接的说法
[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@AppShouldLookupStringNotification对象:stringToSearch];
}@结束这基本上它。秘密这是子类的 NSScriptCommand 的并重写的 performDefaultImplementation 的。我希望这可以帮助别人更快地得到它...
I am new to the world of Cocoa programming, and I want to add Applescript support to my application. The examples at Apple's website seem out of date.
How do I add Applescript support to my Cocoa application?
If you want to send AppleScript from your application and need a sandboxed app, you need to create a temporary entitlement
You need to add those two keys in your info.plist
<string>NSApplication</string> <key>NSAppleScriptEnabled</key> <true/> <key>OSAScriptingDefinition</key> <string>MyAppName.sdef</string>
...of course you have to change "MyAppName" to your app's name
Create a .sdef file and add it to your project.The further course now greatly depends on the needs of your application, there are:
- Class Elements (create an object from AppleScript)
- Command Elements (override NSScriptCommand and execute "verb-like" commands)
- Enumeration Elements
- Record-Type Elements
- Value-Type Elements (KVC)
- Cocoa Elements
Go here to find a detailed description and many details on their implementation: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ScriptableCocoaApplications/SApps_script_cmds/SAppsScriptCmds.html
I found working with Class and KVC Elements very complicated, as I just wanted to execute a single command, nothing fancy. So in order to help others, here's an example of how to create a new simple command with one argument. In this example it'll "lookup" one string like this:
tell application "MyAppName" lookup "some string" end tell
The .sdef file for this command looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd"> <dictionary title="MyAppName"> <suite name="MyAppName Suite" code="MApN" description="MyAppName Scripts"> <command name="lookup" code="lkpstrng" description="Look up a string, searches for an entry"> <cocoa class="MyLookupCommand"/> <direct-parameter description="The string to lookup"> <type type="text"/> </direct-parameter> </command> </suite> </dictionary>
Create a subclass of NSScriptCommand and name it MyLookupCommand
The MyLookupCommand.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface MyLookupCommand : NSScriptCommand @end
The MyLookupCommand.m
#import "MyLookupCommand.h" @implementation MyLookupCommand -(id)performDefaultImplementation { // get the arguments NSDictionary *args = [self evaluatedArguments]; NSString *stringToSearch = @""; if(args.count) { stringToSearch = [args valueForKey:@""]; // get the direct argument } else { // raise error [self setScriptErrorNumber:-50]; [self setScriptErrorString:@"Parameter Error: A Parameter is expected for the verb 'lookup' (You have to specify _what_ you want to lookup!)."]; } // Implement your code logic (in this example, I'm just posting an internal notification) [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"AppShouldLookupStringNotification" object:stringToSearch]; return nil; } @end
That's basically it. The secret to this is to subclass NSScriptCommand and override performDefaultImplementation. I hope this helps someone to get it faster...