


I already know that we use HashMap when we have Key-Value pair and we use HashSet when we do not need repetitive data. But I always get confused where Hashtable comes into play. Is it a totally different data structure? Or both HashMap and HashSet use hash function to store data in Hashtable? Thorough explanation will be really helpful .


更具体地讲, HashSet 在内部使用 HashMap ,查看 HashSet的实现.java

More specific, HashSet uses internally a HashMap, look at the implementation of HashSet.java

private transient HashMap<E,Object> map;


As stated in a previous answer and in the JavaDoc of the HashMap, the HashMap implementation is based on a hash table data-structure:

java.util包中还有一个 Hashtable (可识别小写的 t ).JavaDoc中也说明了主要区别:

There is also a Hashtable (recognize the lower case t) available in the java.util package. The main difference is stated also in the JavaDoc:

也就是说,JavaDoc声明不应使用 Hashtable .如果需要线程安全的实现,请使用 ConcurrentHashMap ,否则请使用 HashMap .如果需要并发集,则应查看为什么没有针对的ConcurrentHashSetConcurrentHashMap .如果您正在寻找一个好的集合实现,请使用 HashSet (在内部,除了 HashMap 之外,什么都没有).

That said, the JavaDoc states that Hashtable should never be used. If you need a thread-safe implementation use ConcurrentHashMap, otherwise use a HashMap. If you need a concurrent set you should have a look at Why there is no ConcurrentHashSet against ConcurrentHashMap. If you are looking for a good set implementation just use HashSet (which is internally nothing else than a HashMap).


08-20 11:11