


I know this topic has been pounded as I have read gillions of posts on SO as well as elsewhere about it, but I have yet to find a definitive answer, so my apologies if you are offended by this seeming redundancy.

我遇到的情况是存在一次写入,读取数百万个资源.创建资源非常昂贵,并且写锁上的争用也可能很高.此外,我无法预测它将在哪个处理器上运行,因此我不知道其下面的内存模型.我正在编译在.NET 3.5,.NET 4.0和Mono 2.10中构建的程序集的3个版本.

I have a situation where there is a write-once, read-millions resource. The resource is extremely expensive to create and the contention on the write-lock could be very high as well. Furthermore, I cannot predict what processor this will be run on and so I do not know what the memory-model will be underneath. I am compiling 3 versions of the assembly built in .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0, and Mono 2.10.

由于资源的争用很大,因此我需要使其尽可能高效,并且希望至少在读取时使用无锁模式.我了解用于创建资源的双锁检查模式,但是由于在内存屏障之外访问_resource,因此对于(是否在所有处理器上)工作是否有效一直存在分歧.我需要在_resource字段上使用volatile吗? ReaderWriterLockSlim是否更适合这种情况?我还要问什么其他问题?

Because of the high-contention for the resource, I need to make this as efficient as possible and would like to use a lock-free pattern, at least for the reads. I understand the double lock check pattern for creating the resource, but there has been disagreement over whether or not it works (on all processors) due to the access of _resource outside the memory barrier. Do I need to use volatile on the _resource field? Is a ReaderWriterLockSlim a better fit for this scenario? What other questions should I be asking?

if(_resource == null)
        if(_resource == null)
            //create resource here...


if(_resource == null)
    return _resourceDefault;

return _resource.GetSomething();



Decided to promote my comment to an answer.

在创建单例的读物时, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en -us/library/ff650316.aspx .它交叉链接了一篇深入的论文,解释了与双重检查锁定有关的一些问题.为完全安全起见,Microsoft文章确实推荐了volatile.

On creating singleton's read, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff650316.aspx . It cross links a paper that goes in depth explaining some of the problems related to double checked locking. To be completely safe the microsoft article does recommend the volatile.

如果您真正想要的只是创建一个单例,那么读者写锁实际上并不会为您买任何东西(一次性的东西……不需要锁升级或任何其他操作.您实际上只需要保护资源的创建即可) ).一旦创建资源,您将根本不会碰锁.

A reader writer lock doesn't really buy you anything if all you really just want is to create a singleton (one time thing... no lock promotion or anything is necessary. You really just need to protect creation of the resource). Once the resource is created you won't be touching the lock at all.


I would design access to your singleton to always go through a static property/method so you can always do the double check.


About the resource default, I don't think I know enough about your situation to answer properly. Do you expect the primary resource to ever be null (except before it was created)? Depending on your use case, you might be able to use a Moniter.TryEnter which is nonblocking and returns a value letting you know if you received the lock. If you were not able to immediately get the lock to create the singleton, you could return your default.


08-20 09:51