

我有多个以太网的I / F。为eth0,eth1的,ETH2 ......我想连接到外部服务器,例如:。

I have multiple ethernet I/Fs. eth0,eth1,eth2... and I want to connect to an external server, eg


My connections are OK, but under some special circumstances I want to connect as eth1 and not eth0. the server's code checks the IP address of my interface. I think that I need to bind before connect. Without bind(2) the server always gets packets from eth0


I am looking for code that demonstrates this behavior. Does anybody has a link to an example?



什么你希望做的,是使用不同的网络接口的与你的插座。若要使用系统默认的网络接口,你需要使用 SO_BINDTODEVICE 的setsockopt 沿套接字选项。要使用该接口,如eth1的例如,应指定为一个字符串 ifr_name 一个这是场传递给的setsockopt 。要做到这一点,你需要包括<网/ if.h中方式>

What you're looking to do here is to use a different network interface with your socket. To use a network interface other than the system default, you need to use the SO_BINDTODEVICE socket option along with setsockopt. The interface you want to use, such as "eth1" for example, should be specified as a string in the ifr_name field of a ifreq struct which is to be passed to setsockopt. To do this, you need to include the <net/if.h> header.


Basically, something like the following (untested) code:

int set_interface(int socket_fd, const char* interface_name)
    ifreq interface;
    memset(&interface, 0, sizeof(interface));
    strncpy(interface.ifr_name, interface_name, IFNAMSIZ);
    int res = setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, &ifreq, sizeof(ifreq));
    return res;

此外,请确保您检查返回code,万一的setsockopt 失败。


08-20 07:26