In my excel file, I have a table setup with formulas.
with Cells from Range("B2:B12"), Range ("D2:D12"), and etc every other row containing the answers to these formulas.
对于这些单元格(具有公式答案),我需要应用条件格式,但是我有7个条件,因此我一直在VBA中使用选择大小写"来根据其编号更改其内部背景.我现在在工作表代码中设置了select case函数,而不是它自己的宏
for these cells (with the formula answers), I need to apply conditional formatting, but I have 7 conditions, so I've been using "select case" in VBA to change their interior background based on their number. I have the select case function currently set up within the sheet code, as opposed to it's own macro
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iColor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:L12")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 0
iColor = 2
Case 0.01 To 0.49
iColor = 36
Case 0.5 To 0.99
iColor = 6
Case 1 To 1.99
iColor = 44
Case 2 To 2.49
iColor = 45
Case 2.5 To 2.99
iColor = 46
Case 3 To 5
iColor = 3
End Select
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = iColor
End If
End Sub
but using this method, you must be actually entering the value into the cell for the formatting to work.
which is why I want to write a subroutine to to do this as a macro. I can input my data, let the formulas work, and when everything is ready, I can run the macro and format those specific cells.
I want an easy way to do this, obviously I could waste a load of time, typing out all the cases for every cell, but I figured it'd be easier with a loop.
how would I go about writing a select case loop to change the formatting on a a specific range of cells every other row?
这是一个非常基本的循环,它遍历范围内的所有单元格并设置ColorIndex. (我没有尝试过,但是应该可以使用)
Here is a very basic loop that goes through all cells in a range and sets the ColorIndex. (I did not try it but it should work)
Private Function getColor(ByVal cell As Range) As Integer
Select Case cell
Case 0
getColor = 2: Exit Function
Case 0.01 To 0.49
getColor = 36: Exit Function
Case 0.5 To 0.99
getColor = 6: Exit Function
Case 1 To 1.99
getColor = 44: Exit Function
Case 2 To 2.49
getColor = 45: Exit Function
Case 2.5 To 2.99
getColor = 46: Exit Function
Case 3 To 5
getColor = 3: Exit Function
End Select
End Function
Private Sub setColor()
Dim area As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set area = Range("B2:L12")
For Each cell In area.Cells
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = getColor(cell)
Next cell
End Sub
编辑:现在可以使用.我忘记添加ColorIndex的Interior infront并将ByRef设置为ByVal.顺便提一句.请把您的评论作为评论添加到我的答案中.
It works now. I forgot to add Interior infront of ColorIndex and set ByRef to ByVal.Btw. please add your comments as a comment to my answer.
Edit2 :关于更改值时的Errormsg:
Regarding your Errormsg when changing the value:
I guess you still have some code left in your worksheet_change. You did not mention how you want to run your Sub.
如果要在worksheet_change上运行它,只需在vba(不是模块)中的工作表中添加代码,然后调用setcolor. 只能有一种setColor ,因此请确保它位于您的模块或工作表中.
If you want to run it on worksheet_change you just need to add the code in the worksheet in vba (not the module) and call setcolor. There can be only one setColor so make sure that it is either in your module or your worksheet.
If you want to run it from a module you need to change
Private Sub setColor()
Public Sub setColor()
And it would be better to add The worksheetname or ActiveSheet infront of your Range. Like this:
Set area = ActiveSheet.Range("B2:L12")
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