我试图在 [0,pi / 2]
之间找到一个函数的根,scipy中的所有算法都有这个条件: f(a)
和 f(b)
在我的情况下 f(0)* f(pi / 2)> 0
是否有任何解决方案,我确切地说我不需要在[ 0,pi / 2]
I am trying to find the root of a function between by [0, pi/2]
, all algorithms in scipy have this condition : f(a)
and f(b)
must have opposite signs.In my case f(0)*f(pi/2) > 0
is there any solution, I precise I don't need solution outside [0, pi/2]
The function:
def dG(thetaf,psi,gamma) :
return 0.35*((cos(psi))**2)*(2*sin(3*thetaf/2+2*gamma)+(1+4*sin(gamma)**2)*sin(thetaf/2)-sin(3*thetaf/2))+(sin(psi)**2)*sin(thetaf/2)
基于评论和@Mike Graham的回答,你可以做一些检查标志变化的地方。给定 y = dG(x,psi,gamma)
Based on the comments and on @Mike Graham's answer, you can do something that will check where the change of signs are. Given y = dG(x, psi, gamma)
x[y[:-1]*y[1:] < 0]
will return the positions where you had a change of sign. You can an iterative process to find the roots numerically up to the error tolerance that you need:
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos
def find_roots(f, a, b, args=[], errTOL=1e-6):
err = 1.e6
x = np.linspace(a, b, 100)
while True:
y = f(x, *args)
pos = y[:-1]*y[1:] < 0
if not np.any(pos):
print('No roots in this interval')
return roots
err = np.abs(y[pos]).max()
if err <= errTOL:
roots = 0.5*x[:-1][pos] + 0.5*x[1:][pos]
return roots
inf_sup = zip(x[:-1][pos], x[1:][pos])
x = np.hstack([np.linspace(inf, sup, 10) for inf, sup in inf_sup])