本文介绍了是boost :: interprocess threadsafe吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Currently, I have 2 processes that communicate using the message_queue and shared_memory form boost. Everything work as attended.

现在我需要做一个这个过程多线程(再次感谢boost),我想知道我是否需要使用保护机制线程(如mutex),或者如果boost :: interprocess库已经提供了保护机制?

Now I need to make one of this process multi threaded (thanks to boost again), and I was wondering if I need to use protection mechanism between the threads (such as mutex), or if the boost::interprocess library already provides a protection mechanism ?

我没有找到关于boost文档的任何信息。我正在使用boost 1.40。

I did not find any info on that on the boost documentation. By the way I'm using boost 1.40.



boost :: interprocess(共享内存等)的共享资源需要您提供必要的同步。这样做的原因是你可能不需要同步,并且它通常是一个有点贵的操作性能明智。

The shared resources from boost::interprocess (shared memory, etc) require that you provide the necessary synchronization. The reason for this is that you may not require synchronization, and it usually a somewhat expensive operation performance wise.


Say for example that you had a process that wrote to shared memory the current statistics of something in 32-bit integer format, and a few processes that read those values. Since the values are integers (and therefore on your platform the reads and writes are atomic) and you have a single process writing them and a few process reading them, no synchronization is needed for this design.

但是在一些示例中,您将需要同步,就像上面的示例有多个写入器,或者如果使用字符串数据而不是整数。 boost中有各种同步机制(以及非boost程序,但由于你已经使用boost),如下所述:

However in some examples you will require synchronization, like if the above example had multiple writers, or if instead of integers you were using string data. There are various synchronization mechanisms inside of boost (as well as non-boost ones, but since your already using boost), described here:

[Boost info for stable version: 1.48]

[Boost info for stable version: 1.48]http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_48_0/doc/html/interprocess/synchronization_mechanisms.html

[Boost info for version your using:1.40]

[Boost info for version your using: 1.40]http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/interprocess/synchronization_mechanisms.html


With shared memory it is a common practice to place the synchronization mechanism at the base of the shared memory segment, where it can be anonymous (meaning the OS kernel does not provide access to it by name). This way all the processes know how to lock the shared memory segment, and you can associate locks with their segments (if you had multiple for example)


Remember that a mutex requires the same thread of execution (inside a process) to unlock it that locked it. If you require locking and unlocking a synchronization object from different threads of execution, you need a semaphore.


Please be sure that if you choose to use a mutex that it is an interprocess mutex (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_48_0/doc/html/boost/interprocess/interprocess_mutex.html) as opposed to the mutex in the boost thread library which is for a single process with multiple threads.

这篇关于是boost :: interprocess threadsafe吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 21:30