I'd like to write a program that prints out some metadata of a Haskell type. Although I know this isn't valid code, the idea is something like:
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
metadata :: Type -> String
metadata t = ???
metadata Person -- returns "Person (name,age)"
The important restriction being I don't have an instance of Person
, just the type.
I've started looking into Generics & Typeable/Data, but without an instance I'm not sure they'll do what I need. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
类工作,该类在 Data.Typeable
Reflection in Haskell works using the Typeable
class, which is defined in Data.Typeable
and includes the typeOf
* method to get a run-time representation of a value's type.
ghci> :m +Data.Typeable
ghci> :t typeOf 'a'
typeOf 'a' :: TypeRep
ghci> typeOf 'a' -- We could use any value of type Char and get the same result
Char -- the `Show` instance of `TypeRep` just returns the name of the type
If you want Typeable
to work for your own types, you can have the compiler generate an instance for you with the DeriveDataTypeable
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving Typeable
You can now use typeOf
to grab a run-time representation of your type. We can query information about the type constructor (abbreviated to TyCon
) and its type arguments:
-- (undefined :: Person) stands for "some value of type Person".
-- If you have a real Person you can use that too.
-- typeOf does not use the value, only the type
-- (which is known at compile-time; typeOf is dispatched using the normal instance selection rules)
ghci> typeOf (undefined :: Person)
ghci> tyConName $ typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (undefined :: Person)
ghci> tyConModule $ typeRepTyCon $ typeOf (undefined :: Person)
还提供了 type-safe cast 操作,该操作使您可以分支到值的运行时类型上,类似于C#的as
also provides a type-safe cast operation which allows you to branch on a value's runtime type, somewhat like C#'s as
f :: Typeable a => a -> String
f x = case (cast x :: Maybe Int) of
Just i -> "I can treat i as an int in this branch " ++ show (i * i)
Nothing -> case (cast x :: Maybe Bool) of
Just b -> "I can treat b as a bool in this branch " ++ if b then "yes" else "no"
Nothing -> "x was of some type other than Int or Bool"
ghci> f True
"I can treat b as a bool in this branch yes"
ghci> f (3 :: Int)
"I can treat i as an int in this branch 9"
的可允许参数类型集时提供编译时反馈. (如果愿意,可以编写一个类使Admissible
Incidentally, a nicer way to write f
is to use a GADT enumerating the set of types you expect your function to be called with. This allows us to lose the Maybe
can never fail!), does a better job of documenting our assumptions, and gives compile-time feedback when we need to change the set of admissible argument types for f
. (You can write a class to make Admissible
implicit if you like.)
data Admissible a where
AdInt :: Admissible Int
AdBool :: Admissible Bool
f :: Admissible a -> a -> String
f AdInt i = "I can treat i as an int in this branch " ++ show (i * i)
f AdBool b = "I can treat b as a bool in this branch " ++ if b then "yes" else "no"
In reality I probably wouldn't do either of these - I'd just stick f
in a class and define instances for Int
and Bool
如果要获取有关类型定义右侧的运行时信息,则需要使用名称有趣的 Data.Data
的子类.** GHC也可以为您派生Data
If you want run-time information about the right-hand side of a type definition, you need to use the entertainingly-named Data.Data
, which defines a subclass of Typeable
called Data
.** GHC can derive Data
for you too, with the same extension:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int } deriving (Typeable, Data)
Now we can grab a run-time representation of the values of a type, not just the type itself:
ghci> dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
DataType {tycon = "Main.Person", datarep = AlgRep [Person]}
ghci> dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
[Person] -- Person only defines one constructor, called Person
ghci> constrFields $ head $ dataTypeConstrs $ dataTypeOf (undefined :: Person)
是用于通用编程的API;如果您曾经听到有人在谈论废话了",这(以及 Data.Generics
is the API for generic programming; if you ever hear people talking about "Scrap Your Boilerplate", this (along with Data.Generics
, which builds on Data.Data
) is what they mean. For example, you can write a function which converts record types to JSON using reflection on the type's fields.
toJSON :: Data a => a -> String
-- Implementation omitted because it is boring.
-- But you only have to write the boring code once,
-- and it'll be able to serialise any instance of `Data`.
-- It's a good exercise to try to write this function yourself!