


looking for some advice and best practice guidance with the following situation. I have a python application that is run from source and has all dependencies included. When using PIL some issues arise. Different python versions need different PIL sources and 64 bit and 32 bit need different version.


Python 2.4 64位

Python 2.4 64 bit

Python 2.4 32位

Python 2.4 32 bit

Python 2.7 64位

Python 2.7 64 bit

Python 2.7 32位

Python 2.7 32 bit


I will have to locate the necessary source packages and include them all. The question is what is the best way to import them? Do I check python version and OS version and import different PIL versions based on that (can you if, else import stuff?) or can I import once for all?


Hope that all makes sense. Thanks



I'm going to take the opposite direction of @alan's answer and not recommend you even distribute your 4 hard-coded environments like that.

如果直接分发源代码,则根本不应该包含预构建的依赖项.创建某种 setup.py 以下载并安装依赖项.或者考虑将您的应用打包到一个独立的可执行文件中

If you are distributing source code directly, then you shouldn't be including prebuilt dependencies at all. Create some kind of setup.py to have the dependencies downloaded and installed. Or consider packaging your app into a self-contained executable


Your package could contain the setup files for PIL locally so a download wouldn't be needed, but they should get built by the actual end-user to match their architecture. There is no point in trying to make your application figure all of this out and point to one of many precompiled packages.


You can also take a look at py2exe, py2app, and pyinstaller if you want to go the route of creating self-executable packages for different systems that contain their entire environment.


07-22 12:32