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本文介绍了ggplot2:在循环中添加行并保留颜色映射的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 限时删除!! 运行以下两段代码时,我意外地得到了不同的结果。我需要像在EX2中一样在循环中添加行,但所有行最终都具有相同的颜色。这是为什么? $ b $ h1> EX1 economics2 经济学2 $失业 - - 经济学$失业+ 1000 经济学3 - - 经济学经济学3 $失业 - - 经济学$失业+ 2000 经济学4 经济学4 $失业 - 经济学$失业+ 3000 b geom_line(aes(x =日期,y =失业,color = as.character(1) =经济学2)+ geom_line(aes(x =日期,y =失业,color = as.character(2)),data = economics3)+ geom_line(aes(x = date,y = (b) p> EX2 #经济学2,经济学3,经济学4从EX1中重用。 b econ< - list(economics2,economics3,economics4) for(i in 1:3){b } print(b) $ b img src =https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y7XS5.pngalt =EX2> 解决方案 div> 这不是使用ggplot的好方法。试试这种方式: econ df ggplot(df,aes(date,unemploy,color = cat) )+ geom_line() 这将您的三个版本的 economics 放入一个长格式的数据框中(所有数据在1列中,第二列,在这个例子中 cat ,标识源代码)。一旦你这样做了, ggplot 会处理其他事情。没有循环。 注释中指出,循环失败的具体原因是使用 aes(...)将表达式存储在ggplot对象中,并且在调用 print(...)时计算该表达式。此时 i 为3。 请注意,这不适用于数据= ... 参数,所以你可以这样做: b = ggplot( ) for(i in 1:3){b data = cbind(cat = as.character(i),econ [[i]]))} print(b) 但是,这仍然是使用ggplot的错误方法。 When running the following two pieces of code, I unexpectedly get different results. I need to add lines in a loop as in EX2, but all lines end up having the same colour. Why is this?EX1economics2 <- economicseconomics2$unemploy <- economics$unemploy + 1000economics3 <- economicseconomics3$unemploy <- economics$unemploy + 2000economics4 <- economicseconomics4$unemploy <- economics$unemploy + 3000b <- ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = unemploy, colour = as.character(1)), data=economics2) + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = unemploy, colour = as.character(2)), data=economics3) + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = unemploy, colour = as.character(3)), data=economics4)print(b)EX2#economics2, economics3, economics4 are reused from EX1.b <- ggplot()econ <- list(economics2, economics3, economics4)for(i in 1:3){ b <- b + geom_line(aes(x = date, y = unemploy, colour = as.character(i)), data=econ[[i]])}print(b) 解决方案 This is not a good way to use ggplot. Try this way:econ <- list(e1=economics2, e2=economics3, e3=economics4)df <- cbind(cat=rep(names(econ),sapply(econ,nrow)),do.call(rbind,econ))ggplot(df, aes(date,unemploy, color=cat)) + geom_line()This puts your three versions of economics into a single data.frame, in long format (all the data in 1 column, with a second column, cat in this example, identifying the source). Once you've done that, ggplot takes care of everything else. No loops.The specific reason your loop failed, as pointed out in the comment, is that using aes(...) stores the expression in the ggplot object, and that expression is evaluated when you call print(...). At that point i is 3.Note that this does not apply to the data=... argument, so you could have done something like this:b=ggplot()for(i in 1:3){ b <- b + geom_line(aes(x=date,y=unemploy,colour=cat), data=cbind(cat=as.character(i),econ[[i]]))}print(b)But, this is still the wrong way to use ggplot. 这篇关于ggplot2:在循环中添加行并保留颜色映射的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的.. 09-06 15:09