本文介绍了如何将id发布到另一个页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 嗨我是新手,请帮我解决以下问题。单击更新按钮时,ID应该是另一个页面来处理更新功能。以下是我的全部代码 index.php <?php include_once ' ../。 ./inc/config.inc.php'; $ sql = SELECT * FROM demo order by id; 尝试 { $ result = mysqli_query($ con,$ sql); 包括' view.html.php'; } catch (PDOException $ e) { echo $ e-> getMessage()。 \ n; file_put_contents(' PDOErrors.txt',$ e-> getMessage(),FILE_APPEND ); // $ output ='从数据库中提取作者时出错!'; // 包含'../../ notification / errormsg.php'; 退出(); } view.html.php < 脚本 语言 = javascript > function change_action() { var frm_obj = document .getElementById( FRM); frm_obj.action = data.php; } < / 脚本 > < h3>用户详细信息< / h3 > < form action = method = POST id = frm> < table width = 100% align = center cellpadding = 4 cellspacing = 1> < tr> < td> ID < / td > < td> ID < / td > < td> NAME < / td > < td> FIRST NAME < / td > < td> AGE < / td > < td> < / td > < / tr > <?php if (isset($ result)){ while ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array($ result)){?> < tr> < td>< input type = text name = vid value = <?php echo $ row ['id'];?> /> < / td > < td><?php echo $ row [ id'];?> < / td > < td><?php echo $ row [ name'];?> < / td > < td><?php echo $ row [' firstname'];?> < / td > < td><?php echo $ row [' age'];?> < / td > < td>< input type = submit value = update name = update onclick = change_action()> < input type = submit value = delete name = 删除 onclick = change_action()> < / td > < / tr > <?php } } mysqli_close($ con); ?> < / table > < / FORM > <?php 包括' ../。 ./inc/footer.php'; data.php <?php include_once ' ../../ inc / config.inc.php'; if (isset($ _ POST [' 更新'])&& $ _POST [' update']!= ) { $ id = $ _POST [' vid']; $ sql = SELECT * FROM demo where id ='$ id'; $ result = mysqli_query($ con,$ sql); 包括' edit.php'; } edit.php <?php echo ' edit.php'; if(isset($ result)) { while($ row = mysqli_fetch_array($ result)) { echo $ row [' id']; < br>'; echo $ row [' name']; ' < br>'; echo $ row [' firstname']; ' < br>'; echo $ row [' age']; ' < br>'; } } 谢谢 maideen 解决方案 sql = 通过id; SELECT * FROM演示订单; 尝试 { 结果 = mysqli_query( con, HiI am new, Pls help me the following issue. When click the update button, ID should be to another page to process the update function. Below is my entire codeindex.php<?phpinclude_once '../../inc/config.inc.php';$sql="SELECT * FROM demo order by id"; try { $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql); include 'view.html.php'; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; file_put_contents('PDOErrors.txt', $e->getMessage(), FILE_APPEND);// $output = 'Error fetching authors from database!';// include '../../notification/errormsg.php'; exit(); }view.html.php<Script Language="javascript">function change_action() { var frm_obj=document.getElementById("frm"); frm_obj.action="data.php"; }</Script><h3>User Details</h3><form action="" method="POST" id="frm" > <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td>ID</td> <td>ID</td> <td>NAME</td> <td>FIRST NAME</td> <td>AGE</td> <td></td> </tr> <?php if(isset($result)){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <tr> <td><input type="text" name="vid" value="<?php echo $row['id'];?>"/></td> <td><?php echo $row['id'];?></td> <td><?php echo $row['name'];?></td> <td><?php echo $row['firstname'];?></td> <td><?php echo $row['age'] ;?></td> <td><input type="submit" value="update" name="update" onclick="change_action()"> <input type="submit" value="delete" name="delete" onclick="change_action()"> </td> </tr> <?php } } mysqli_close($con); ?> </table></FORM><?phpinclude '../../inc/footer.php';data.php<?phpinclude_once '../../inc/config.inc.php';if (isset($_POST['update']) && $_POST['update'] != "" ) { $id = $_POST['vid']; $sql="SELECT * FROM demo where id='$id'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql); include 'edit.php'; }edit.php<?phpecho 'edit.php';if(isset($result)) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['id'];'<br>'; echo $row['name'];'<br>'; echo $row['firstname'];'<br>'; echo $row['age'];'<br>'; } }thank youmaideen 解决方案 sql="SELECT * FROM demo order by id"; try { result = mysqli_query(con, 这篇关于如何将id发布到另一个页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-29 13:43